Ternary Color Systems

pyrolite includes two methods for coloring data points and polygons in a ternary system, ternary_color() and color_ternary_polygons_by_centroid() which work well with some of the plot templates (pyrolite.plot.templates) and associated classifiers (pyrolite.util.classification).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Colors by Ternary Position

The ternary_color() function serves to generate the color which correpsonds the the mixing of three colours in proportion to the components in a ternary system. By default these colours are red, green and blue (corresponding to the top, left, and right components in a terarny diagram). The function returns colours in the form of an RGBA array:

from pyrolite.util.plot.style import ternary_color
from pyrolite.util.synthetic import normal_frame

# generate a synthetic dataset we can use for the colouring example
df = normal_frame(
    columns=["CaO", "MgO", "FeO"],
    cov=np.array([[0.8, 0.3], [0.3, 0.8]]),

colors = ternary_color(df)
array([[0.18902861, 0.54222697, 0.26874443, 0.999999  ],
       [0.5097609 , 0.16739226, 0.32284684, 0.999999  ],
       [0.08310658, 0.37115312, 0.54574029, 0.999999  ]])

These can then be readily used in a ternary diagram (or eleswhere):

ternary color
ax = df[["MgO", "CaO"]].pyroplot.scatter(c=colors)
ternary color

You can use different colors for each of the verticies if you so wish, and mix and match named colors with RGB/RGBA represntations (note that the alpha will be scaled, if it is passed as a keyword argument to ternary_color()):

colors = ternary_color(df, alpha=0.9, colors=["green", "orange", [0.9, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9]])
ax = df.pyroplot.scatter(c=colors)
ternary color

Colors by Centroid Position

We can also colour polygons within one of these templates by the ternary combination of colours (defaulting to red, green and blue) at the polygon centroid:

from pyrolite.util.classification import USDASoilTexture
from pyrolite.util.plot.style import color_ternary_polygons_by_centroid

clf = USDASoilTexture()
ax = clf.add_to_axes(ax=None, add_labels=True, figsize=(8, 8))
ternary color

There are a range of options you can pass to this function to control the ternary colors (as above), change the scaling coefficients for ternary components and change the opacity of the colors:

    ax, colors=("red", "green", "blue"), coefficients=(1, 1, 1), alpha=0.5
ternary color

See also


Ternary Diagrams, Plot Templates

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.978 seconds)