Source code for pyrolite.util.units

import pandas as pd

from .log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

__massunits__ = {
    "%": 10**-2,
    "pct": 10**-2,
    "wt%": 10**-2,
    "ppm": 10**-6,
    "ppb": 10**-9,
    "ppt": 10**-12,
    "ppq": 10**-15,

__UNITS__ = {**__massunits__}

[docs]def scale(in_unit, target_unit="ppm"): """ Provides the scale difference between two mass units. Parameters ---------- in_unit : :class:`str` Units to be converted from target_unit : :class:`str`, :code:`"ppm"` Units to scale to. Todo ------- * Implement different inputs: :class:`str`, :class:`list`, :class:`pandas.Series` Returns -------- :class:`float` """ in_unit = str(in_unit).lower() target_unit = str(target_unit).lower() if ( not pd.isna(in_unit) and (in_unit in __UNITS__.keys()) and (target_unit in __UNITS__.keys()) ): scale = __UNITS__[in_unit] / __UNITS__[target_unit] else: unkn = [i for i in [in_unit, target_unit] if i not in __UNITS__]"Units not known: {}. Defaulting to unity.".format(unkn)) scale = 1.0 return scale