Source code for pyrolite.util.resampling

Utilities for (weighted) bootstrap resampling applied to geoscientific point-data.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .log import Handle
from .meta import subkwargs
from .spatial import _get_sqare_grid_segment_indicies, great_circle_distance

logger = Handle(__name__)

def _segmented_univariate_distance_matrix(
    A, B, distance_metric, dtype="float32", segs=10
    A method to generate a point-to-point distance matrix in segments to be softer
    on memory requirements yet retain precision (e.g. beyond a few thousand points).

    A, B : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Numpy arrays with positions of points.
        Callable function f(a, b) from which to derive a distance metric.
    dtype : :class:`str` | :class:`numpy.dtype`
        Data type to use for the matrix.
    segs : :class:`int`
        Number of segments to split the matrix into (note that this will effectively
        squared - i.e. 10 -> 100 individual segments).

    dist : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        2D point-to-point distance matrix.
    max_size = np.max([a.shape[0] for a in [A, B]])
    dist = np.zeros((max_size, max_size), dtype=dtype)  # full matrix
    # note that this could be parallelized; the calcuations are independent
    for ix_s, ix_e, iy_s, iy_e in _get_sqare_grid_segment_indicies(max_size, segs):
        dist[ix_s:ix_e, iy_s:iy_e] = distance_metric(
            A[ix_s:ix_e][:, np.newaxis],
            B[iy_s:iy_e][np.newaxis, :],
    return dist

[docs]def univariate_distance_matrix(a, b=None, distance_metric=None): """ Get a distance matrix for a single column or array of values (here used for ages). Parameters ----------- a, b : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Points or arrays to calculate distance between. If only one array is specified, a full distance matrix (i.e. calculate a point-to-point distance for every combination of points) will be returned. distance_metric Callable function f(a, b) from which to derive a distance metric. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` 2D distance matrix. """ if distance_metric is None: distance_metric = lambda a, b: np.abs(a - b) a = np.atleast_1d(np.array(a).astype(float)) if b is not None: # a second set of points is specified; the return result will be 1D b = np.atleast_1d(np.array(b).astype(float)) else: # generate a full point-to-point matrix for a single set of points b = a.copy() return _segmented_univariate_distance_matrix(a, b, distance_metric)
[docs]def get_spatiotemporal_resampling_weights( df, spatial_norm=1.8, temporal_norm=38, latlong_names=["Latitude", "Longitude"], age_name="Age", max_memory_fraction=0.25, normalized_weights=True, **kwargs ): """ Takes a dataframe with lat, long and age and returns a sampling weight for each sample which is essentailly the inverse of the mean distance to other samples. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to calculate weights for. spatial_norm : :class:`float` Normalising constant for spatial measures (1.8 arc degrees). temporal_norm : :class:`float` Normalising constant for temporal measures (38 Mya). latlong_names : :class:`list` List of column names referring to latitude and longitude. age_name : :class:`str` Column name corresponding to geological age or time. max_memory_fraction : :class:`float` Constraint to switch to calculating mean distances where :code:`matrix=True` and the distance matrix requires greater than a specified fraction of total avaialbe physical memory. This is passed on to :func:`~pyrolite.util.spatial.great_circle_distance`. normalized_weights : :class:`bool` Whether to renormalise weights to unity. Returns -------- weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Sampling weights. Notes ------ This function is equivalent to Eq(1) from Keller and Schone: .. math:: W_i \\propto 1 \\Big / \\sum_{j=1}^{n} \\Big ( \\frac{1}{((z_i - z_j)/a)^2 + 1} + \\frac{1}{((t_i - t_j)/b)^2 + 1} \\Big ) """ weights = pd.Series(index=df.index, dtype="float") z = great_circle_distance( df[[*latlong_names]], absolute=False, max_memory_fraction=max_memory_fraction, **subkwargs(kwargs, great_circle_distance) ) # angular distances _invnormdistances = np.zeros_like(z) # where the distances are zero, these weights will go to inf # instead we replace with the smallest non-zero distance/largest non-inf # inverse weight norm_inverse_distances = 1.0 / ((z / spatial_norm) ** 2 + 1) norm_inverse_distances[~np.isfinite(norm_inverse_distances)] = 1 _invnormdistances += norm_inverse_distances # ages - might want to split this out as optional for spatial resampling only? t = univariate_distance_matrix(df[age_name]) norm_inverse_time = 1.0 / ((t / temporal_norm) ** 2 + 1) norm_inverse_time[~np.isfinite(norm_inverse_time)] = 1 _invnormdistances += norm_inverse_time weights = 1.0 / np.sum(_invnormdistances, axis=0) if normalized_weights: weights = weights / weights.sum() return weights
[docs]def add_age_noise( df, min_sigma=50, noise_level=1.0, age_name="Age", age_uncertainty_name="AgeUncertainty", min_age_name="MinAge", max_age_name="MaxAge", ): """ Add gaussian noise to a series of geological ages based on specified uncertainties or age ranges. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with age data within which to look up the age name and add noise. min_sigma : :class:`float` Minimum uncertainty to be considered for adding age noise. noise_level : :class:`float` Scaling of the noise added to the ages. By default the uncertaines are unscaled, but where age uncertaines are specified and are the one standard deviation level this can be used to expand the range of noise added (e.g. to 2SD). age_name : :class:`str` Column name for absolute ages. age_uncertainty_name : :class:`str` Name of the column specifiying absolute age uncertainties. min_age_name : :class:`str` Name of the column specifying minimum absolute ages (used where uncertainties are otherwise unspecified). max_age_name : :class:`str` Name of the column specifying maximum absolute ages (used where uncertainties are otherwise unspecified). Returns -------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with noise-modified ages. Notes ------ This modifies the dataframe which is input - be aware of this if using outside of the bootstrap resampling for which this was designed. """ # try and get age uncertainty try: age_uncertainty = df[age_uncertainty_name] except KeyError: # otherwise get age min age max # get age uncertainties age_uncertainty = ( np.abs(df[max_age_name] - df[min_age_name]) / 2 ) # half bin width age_uncertainty[ ~np.isfinite(age_uncertainty) | age_uncertainty < min_sigma ] = min_sigma # generate gaussian age noise age_noise = np.random.randn(df.index.size) * age_uncertainty.values age_noise *= noise_level # scale the noise # add noise to ages df[age_name] += age_noise return df
[docs]def spatiotemporal_bootstrap_resample( df, columns=None, uncert=None, weights=None, niter=100, categories=None, transform=None, bootstrap_method="smooth", add_gaussian_age_noise=True, metrics=["mean", "var"], default_uncertainty=0.02, relative_uncertainties=True, noise_level=1, age_name="Age", latlong_names=["Latitude", "Longitude"], **kwargs ): """ Resample and aggregate metrics from a dataframe, optionally aggregating by a given set of categories. Formulated specifically for dealing with resampling to address uneven sampling density in space and particularly geological time. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to resample. columns : :class:`list` Columns to provide bootstrap resampled estimates for. uncert : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`pandas.Series` | :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Fractional uncertainties for the dataset. weights : :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`pandas.Series` Array of weights for resampling, if precomputed. niter : :class:`int` Number of resampling iterations. This will be the minimum index size of the output metric dataframes. categories : :class:`list` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`pandas.Series` List of sample categories to group the ouputs by, which has the same size as the dataframe index. transform Callable function to transform input data prior to aggregation functions. Note that the outputs will need to be inverse-transformed. bootstrap_method : :class:`str` Which method to use to add gaussian noise to the input dataset parameters. add_gaussian_age_noise : :class:`bool` Whether to add gassian noise to the input dataset ages, where present. metrics : :class:`list` List of metrics to use for dataframe aggregation. default_uncertainty : :class:`float` Default (fractional) uncertainty where uncertainties are not given. relative_uncertainties : :class:`bool` Whether uncertainties are relative (:code:`True`, i.e. fractional proportions of parameter values), or absolute (:code:`False`) noise_level : :class:`float` Multiplier for the random gaussian noise added to the dataset and ages. age_name : :class:`str` Column name for geological age. latlong_names : :class:`list` Column names for latitude and longitude, or equvalent orthogonal spherical spatial measures. Returns -------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of aggregated Dataframe(s) indexed by statistical metrics. If categories are specified, the dataframe(s) will have a hierarchical index of :code:`categories, iteration`. """ # uncertainty managment ############################################################ uncertainty_type = None if uncert is not None: if isinstance(uncert, float): uncertainty_type = "0D" # e.g. 2% elif isinstance(uncert, (list, pd.Series)) or ( isinstance(uncert, np.ndarray) and np.array(uncert).ndim < 2 ): uncertainty_type = "1D" # e.g. [0.5%, 1%, 2%] # shape should be equal to parameter column number elif isinstance(uncert, (pd.DataFrame)) or ( isinstance(uncert, np.ndarray) and np.array(uncert).ndim >= 2 ): uncertainty_type = "2D" # e.g. [[0.5%, 1%, 2%], [1.5%, 0.6%, 1.7%]] # shape should be equal to parameter column number by rows else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown format for uncertainties.") # weighting ######################################################################## # generate some weights for resampling - here addressing specifically spatial # and temporal resampling if weights is None: weights = get_spatiotemporal_resampling_weights( df, age_name=age_name, latlong_names=latlong_names, **subkwargs(kwargs, get_spatiotemporal_resampling_weights) ) # to efficiently manage categories we can make sure we have an iterable here if categories is not None: if isinstance(categories, (list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray)): pass elif isinstance(categories, str) and categories in df.columns: categories = df[categories] else: msg = "Categories unrecognized" raise NotImplementedError(msg) # column selection ################################################################# # get the subset of parameters to be resampled, removing spatial and age names # and only taking numeric data subset = columns or [ c for c in df.columns if c not in [[i for i in df.columns if age_name in i], *latlong_names] and np.issubdtype(df.dtypes[c], np.number) ] # resampling ####################################################################### def _metric_name(metric): return repr(metric).replace("'", "") metric_data = {_metric_name(metric): [] for metric in metrics} # samples are independent, so this could be processed in parallel for repeat in range(niter): # take a new sample with replacement equal in size to the original dataframe smpl = df.sample(weights=weights, frac=1, replace=True) # whether to specfically add noise to the geological ages # note that the metadata around age names are passed through to this function # TODO: Update to have external disambiguation of ages/min-max ages, # and just pass an age series to this function. if add_gaussian_age_noise: smpl = add_age_noise( smpl, min_sigma=50, age_name=age_name, noise_level=noise_level, **subkwargs(kwargs, add_age_noise) ) # transform the parameters to be estimated before adding parameter noise? if transform is not None: smpl[subset] = smpl[subset].apply(transform, axis="index") # whether to add parameter noise, and if so which method to use? # TODO: Update the naming of this? this is only one part of the bootstrap process if bootstrap_method is not None: # try to get uncertainties for the data, otherwise use standard deviations? if bootstrap_method.lower() == "smooth": # add random noise within uncertainty bounds # this is essentially smoothing # consider modulating the noise model using the covariance structure? # this could be done by individual group to preserve varying covariances # between groups? if uncert is None: noise = ( smpl[subset].values * default_uncertainty * np.random.randn(*smpl[subset].shape) ) * noise_level else: noise = np.random.randn(*smpl[subset].shape) * noise_level if uncertainty_type in ["0D", "1D"]: # this should work if a float or series is passed noise *= uncert else: # need to get indexes of the sample to look up uncertainties # need to extract indexes for the uncertainties, which might be arrays arr_idxs = df.index.take(smpl.index).values noise *= uncert[arr_idxs, :] if relative_uncertainties: noise *= smpl[subset].values smpl[subset] += noise elif (bootstrap_method.upper() == "GP") or ( "process" in bootstrap_method.lower() ): # gaussian process regression to adapt to covariance matrix msg = "Gaussian Process boostrapping not yet implemented." raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: msg = "Bootstrap method {} not recognised.".format(boostrap_method) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # whether to independently estimate metric values for individual categories? # TODO: Should the categories argument be used to generate indiviudal # bootstrap resampling processes? if categories is not None: for metric in metrics: metric_data[_metric_name(metric)].append( smpl[subset].groupby(categories).agg(metric) ) else: # generate the metric summaries for the overall dataset for metric in metrics: metric_data[_metric_name(metric)].append(smpl[subset].agg(metric)) # where the whole dataset is presented if categories is not None: # the dataframe will be indexed by iteration of the bootstrap return { metric: pd.concat(data, keys=range(niter), names=["Iteration"]) .swaplevel(0, 1) .sort_index() for metric, data in metric_data.items() } else: # the dataframe will be indexed by categories and iteration # TODO: add iteration level to this index? return {metric: pd.DataFrame(data) for metric, data in metric_data.items()}