Source code for pyrolite.util.lambdas.transform

Functions for transforming ionic radii to and from atomic number for the visualisation
of REE patterns.
import numpy as np

from ...geochem.ind import REE, get_ionic_radii
from ..log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def REE_z_to_radii(z, fit=None, degree=7, **kwargs): """ Estimate the ionic radii which would be approximated by a given atomic number based on a provided (or calcuated) fit for the Rare Earth Elements. Parameters ---------- z : :class:`float` | :class:`list` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Atomic nubmers to be converted. fit : callable Callable function optionally specified; if not specified it will be calculated from Shannon Radii. degree : :class:`int` Degree of the polynomial fit between atomic number and radii. Returns ------- r : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Approximate atomic nubmers for given radii. """ if fit is None: radii = np.array( get_ionic_radii(REE(dropPm=False), charge=3, coordination=8, **kwargs) ) p, resids, rank, s, rcond = np.polyfit( np.arange(57, 72), radii, degree, full=True ) def fit(x): return np.polyval(p, x) r = fit(z) return r
[docs]def REE_radii_to_z(r, fit=None, degree=7, **kwargs): """ Estimate the atomic number which would be approximated by a given ionic radii based on a provided (or calcuated) fit for the Rare Earth Elements. Parameters ---------- r : :class:`float` | :class:`list` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Radii to be converted. fit : callable Callable function optionally specified; if not specified it will be calculated from Shannon Radii. degree : :class:`int` Degree of the polynomial fit between radii and atomic number. Returns ------- z : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Approximate atomic numbers for given radii. """ if fit is None: radii = np.array( get_ionic_radii(REE(dropPm=False), charge=3, coordination=8, **kwargs) ) p, resids, rank, s, rcond = np.polyfit( radii, np.arange(57, 72), degree, full=True ) def fit(x): return np.polyval(p, x) z = fit(r) return z