Source code for pyrolite.util.lambdas.opt

Functions for optimization-based REE profile fitting and parameter uncertainty

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.optimize

from ..log import Handle
from ..meta import update_docstring_references
from ..missing import md_pattern
from .eval import get_function_components
from .helpers import _collect_lambda_outputs
from .params import parse_sigmas

logger = Handle(__name__)

def _cost_func(ls, ys, func_components, power=1.0):
    Cost function for lambda optimization.

    ls : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Lambda values, effectively weights for the polynomial components.
    ys : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Target y values.
    func_components : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Arrays representing the individual unweighted function components.
        E.g. :code:`[[a, a, ...], [x - b, x - b, ...], ...]` for lambdas.
    power : :class:`float`
        Power for the cost function.

        Cost at the given set of `ls`.
    cost = np.abs(ls @ func_components - ys) ** power
    cost[np.isnan(cost)] = 0.0  # can't change nans - don't penalise them
    return cost

def _residuals_func(ls, ys, func_components):
    Residuals function for lambda optimization.

    ls : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Lambda values, effectively weights for the polynomial components.
    ys : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Target y values.
    func_components : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Arrays representing the individual unweighted function components.
        E.g. :code:`[[a, a, ...], [x - b, x - b, ...], ...]` for lambdas.

        Residuals at the given set of `ls`.
    res = ls @ func_components - ys
    res[np.isnan(res)] = 0.0  # can't change nans - don't penalise them
    return res

[docs]def pcov_from_jac(jac): """ Extract a covariance matrix from a Jacobian matrix returned from :mod:`scipy.optimize` functions. Parameters ---------- jac : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Jacobian array. Returns ------- pcov : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Square covariance array; this hasn't yet been scaled by residuals. """ # from scipy.opt minpack # Do Moore-Penrose inverse discarding zero singular values. _, s, VT = scipy.linalg.svd(jac, full_matrices=False) threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(jac.shape) * s[0] s = s[s > threshold] VT = VT[: s.size] pcov = / s**2, VT) return pcov
[docs]def linear_fit_components(y, x0, func_components, sigmas=None): r""" Fit a weighted sum of function components using linear algebra. Parameters ----------- y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of target values to fit. x0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Starting guess for the function weights. func_components : :class:`list` ( :class:`numpy.ndarray` ) List of arrays representing static/evaluated function components. sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Single value or 1D array of normalised observed value uncertainties (:math:`\sigma_{REE} / REE`). Returns ------- B, s, χ2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Arrays for the optimized parameter values (B; (n, d)), parameter uncertaintes (s, 1σ; (n, d)) and chi-chi_squared (χ2; (n, 1)). """ X = np.array(func_components).T # components as vectors [1 f0 f1 f2] xd = len(func_components) # number of parameters sigmas = parse_sigmas(y.shape[1], sigmas=sigmas) B = np.ones((y.shape[0], len(func_components))) * np.nan s = np.ones((y.shape[0], len(func_components))) * np.nan χ2 = np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)) * np.nan # for each missing data pattern, we create the matrix A - rather than each row md_inds, patterns = md_pattern(y) for ind in np.unique(md_inds): row_fltr = md_inds == ind # rows with this pattern missing_fltr = ~patterns[ind]["pattern"] # boolean presence-absence filter if missing_fltr.sum(): # ignore completely empty row yd = missing_fltr.sum() # underscores for local variables referring to part of the array _x, _y, _sigmas = ( X[missing_fltr, :], y[np.ix_(row_fltr, missing_fltr)], sigmas[missing_fltr], ) # weights derived from reciprocal variance of y-uncertaintes # W = np.eye(_sigmas.shape[0]) * 1 / _sigmas ** 2 # weights # assuming the errors on y are uncorrelated, we can use _sigmas as # whitening transformation for X and y: # w = np.diag(np.sqrt(W)) w = 1 / _sigmas _x *= w.reshape(-1, 1) _y *= w invXX = np.linalg.inv(_x.T @ _x) _B = (invXX @ _x.T @ _y.T).T # parameter estimates ############################################################################ est = (_x @ _B.T).T # estimated values of y residuals = _y - est # residuals S = (residuals**2).sum(axis=1) # residual sum of squares # H = X @ invXWX @ X.T @ W # Hat matrix dof = yd - xd # effective degrees of freedom (for this mising filter) # calculate the reduced_chi_squared per row (divided by degrees of freedom) # note due to the whitening transformation above, S is effectively # sum(residual/sigma)**2 reduced_chi_squared = S / dof _s = np.sqrt(reduced_chi_squared.reshape(-1, 1) * np.diag(invXX)) B[row_fltr, :] = _B s[row_fltr, :] = _s χ2[row_fltr, 0] = reduced_chi_squared return B, s, χ2
[docs]def optimize_fit_components( y, x0, func_components, residuals_function=_residuals_func, sigmas=None ): r""" Fit a weighted sum of function components using :func:`scipy.optimize.least_squares`. Parameters ----------- y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of target values to fit. x0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Starting guess for the function weights. func_components : :class:`list` ( :class:`numpy.ndarray` ) List of arrays representing static/evaluated function components. redsiduals_function : callable Callable funciton to compute residuals which accepts ordered arguments for weights, target values and function components. sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Single value or 1D array of normalised observed value uncertainties (:math:`\sigma_{REE} / REE`). Returns ------- B, s, χ2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Arrays for the optimized parameter values (B; (n, d)), parameter uncertaintes (s, 1σ; (n, d)) and chi-chi_squared (χ2; (n, 1)). """ m, _ = y.shape[0], x0.size # shape of output sigmas = parse_sigmas(y.shape[1], sigmas=sigmas) B = np.ones((y.shape[0], len(func_components))) * np.nan s = np.ones((y.shape[0], len(func_components))) * np.nan χ2 = np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)) * np.nan for row in range(m): res = scipy.optimize.least_squares( residuals_function, x0, args=( y[row, :], func_components, ), ) # get the covariance matrix of the parameters from the jacobian pcov = pcov_from_jac(res.jac) yd, xd = y.shape[1], x0.size if yd > xd: # check samples in y vs parameter dimension s_sq = res.cost / (yd - xd) pcov = pcov * s_sq else: pcov.fill(np.inf) dof = yd - xd # effective degrees of freedom reduced_chi_squared = (**2 / sigmas**2).sum() / dof B[row, :] = res.x s[row, :] = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) # sigmas on parameters χ2[row, 0] = reduced_chi_squared return B, s, χ2
[docs]@update_docstring_references def lambdas_optimize( df, radii, params=None, fit_tetrads=False, tetrad_params=None, fit_method="opt", sigmas=None, add_uncertainties=False, add_X2=False, **kwargs, ): """ Parameterises values based on linear combination of orthogonal polynomials over a given set of values for independent variable `x`. [#ref_1]_ Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` | :class:`pandas.Series Target data to fit. For geochemical data, this is typically normalised so we can fit a smooth function. radii : :class:`list`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` Radii at which to evaluate the orthogonal polynomial. params : :class:`list`, :code:`None` Orthogonal polynomial coefficients (see :func:`orthogonal_polynomial_constants`). fit_tetrads : :class:`bool` Whether to also fit the patterns for tetrads. tetrad_params : :class:`list` List of parameter sets for tetrad functions. fit_method : :class:`str` Which fit method to use: :code:`"optimization"` or :code:`"linear"`. sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Single value or 1D array of observed value uncertainties. add_uncertainties : :class:`bool` Whether to append estimated parameter uncertainties to the dataframe/series. add_X2 : :class:`bool` Whether to append the chi-squared values (χ2) to the dataframe/series. Returns -------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` | (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) Optimial results for weights of orthogonal polymomial regression (`lambdas`). See Also --------- :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.params.orthogonal_polynomial_constants` :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.lambda_lnREE` References ---------- .. [#ref_1] O’Neill HSC (2016) The Smoothness and Shapes of Chondrite-normalized Rare Earth Element Patterns in Basalts. J Petrology 57:1463–1508. doi: `10.1093/petrology/egw047 <>`__ """ assert params is not None # degree = len(params) # arrays representing the unweighted individual polynomial components names, x0, func_components = get_function_components( radii, params=params, fit_tetrads=fit_tetrads, tetrad_params=tetrad_params ) if fit_method.lower().startswith("opt"): fit = optimize_fit_components else: fit = linear_fit_components inpt = df.pyrochem.REE.values if df.ndim < 2: # i.e., if the input is a series inpt = inpt[None, :] B, s, χ2 = fit(inpt, np.array(x0), func_components, sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs) return _collect_lambda_outputs( B, s, χ2, df, names, add_uncertainties=add_uncertainties, add_X2=add_X2, )