Source code for pyrolite.plot.templates.feldspar

from ...util.classification import FeldsparTernary as Feldspar
from ...util.log import Handle
from ...util.meta import update_docstring_references
from ...util.plot.axes import init_axes

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]@update_docstring_references def FeldsparTernary( ax=None, add_labels=False, which_labels="ID", mode="miscibility-gap", color="k", **kwargs ): """ Simplified feldspar classifcation diagram, based on a version printed in the second edition of 'An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals' (Deer, Howie and Zussman). [#ref_1] Parameters ----------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Ternary axes to add the diagram to. add_labels : :class:`bool` Whether to add labels at polygon centroids. which_labels : :class:`str` Which data to use for field labels - field 'name' or 'ID'. mode : :class:`str` Which mode of the diagram to use; the two implemented for the feldspar ternary diagram are 'default' and 'miscibility-gap', the second of which provides a simplified approximation of the miscibility gap between k-feldspar and plagioclase. color : :class:`str` Color for the polygon edges in the diagram. References ----------- .. [#ref_1] Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., & Zussman, J. (2013). An introduction to the rock-forming minerals (3rd ed.). Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. """ ax = init_axes(ax=ax, projection="ternary", **kwargs) clf = Feldspar(mode=mode) clf.add_to_axes( ax=ax, color=color, add_labels=add_labels, which_labels=which_labels, **kwargs ) return ax