Source code for pyrolite.plot.templates.QAP

from ...util.classification import QAP as QAPclassifer
from ...util.log import Handle
from ...util.meta import sphinx_doi_link, update_docstring_references
from ...util.plot.axes import init_axes

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]@update_docstring_references def QAP(ax=None, add_labels=False, which_labels="ID", color="k", **kwargs): """ IUGS QAP ternary classification diagram [#ref_1]_ [#ref_2]_. Parameters ----------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Ternary axes to add the diagram to. add_labels : :class:`bool` Whether to add labels at polygon centroids. which_labels : :class:`str` Which data to use for field labels - field 'name' or 'ID'. color : :class:`str` Color for the polygon edges in the diagram. References ----------- .. [#ref_1] Streckeisen, A. Classification and nomenclature of plutonic rocks recommendations of the IUGS subcommission on the systematics of Igneous Rocks. Geol Rundsch 63, 773–786 (1974). doi: {Streckeisen1974} .. [#ref_2] Le Maitre,R.W. 2002. Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms : Recommendations of International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Cambridge University Press, 236pp """ ax = init_axes(ax=ax, projection="ternary", **kwargs) clf = QAPclassifer() clf.add_to_axes( ax=ax, color=color, add_labels=add_labels, which_labels=which_labels, **kwargs ) return ax
QAP.__doc__ = QAP.__doc__.format(Streckeisen1974=sphinx_doi_link("10.1007/BF01820841"))