Source code for pyrolite.plot.color

import copy

import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..util.log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

_face_edge_equivalents = {
    "facecolors": "edgecolors",
    "markerfacecolor": "markeredgecolor",
    "mfc": "mec",

[docs]def get_cmode(c=None): """ Find which mode a color is supplied as, such that it can be processed. Parameters ----------- c : :class:`str` | :class:`list` | :class:`tuple` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Color arguments as typically passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` or :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ cmode = None if c is not None: # named | hex | rgb | rgba logger.debug("Checking singular color modes.") if isinstance(c, str): if c.startswith("#"): cmode = "hex" else: cmode = "named" elif isinstance(c, tuple): if len(c) == 3: cmode = "rgb" elif len(c) == 4: cmode = "rgba" else: pass if cmode is None: # list | ndarray | ndarray(rgb) | ndarray(rgba) logger.debug("Checking array-based color modes.") if isinstance( c, ( np.ndarray, list, pd.Series, pd.Index, pd.Categorical, ), ): dtype = getattr(c, "dtype", np.dtype("O")) if == "category": # convert categories to objects for numpy dtype = np.dtype("O") c = np.array(c, dtype=dtype) convertible = False try: # could test all of them, or just a few _ = [matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(_c) for _c in [c[0], c[-1]]] convertible = True except (ValueError, TypeError): # string cannot be converted to color pass if all([isinstance(_c, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)) for _c in c]): # could have an error if you put in mixed rgb/rgba if len(c[0]) == 3: cmode = "rgb_array" elif len(c[0]) == 4: cmode = "rgba_array" else: pass elif all([isinstance(_c, str) for _c in c]): if convertible: if all([_c.startswith("#") for _c in c]): cmode = "hex_array" elif not any([_c.startswith("#") for _c in c]): cmode = "named_array" else: cmode = "mixed_str_array" else: cmode = "categories" elif all([isinstance(_c, np.number) for _c in np.array(c).flatten()]): cmode = "value_array" else: if convertible: cmode = "mixed_fmt_color_array" if cmode is None: # default cmode to fall back on - e.g. list of tuples/intervals etc # where they're all the same type types = {type(_c) for _c in set(c)} if len(types) == 1: cmode = "categories" else: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot determine color mode from array including types {}.".format( ",".join([t.__name__ for t in types]) ) ) if cmode is None: msg = "Color mode not found for item of type {}".format(type(c)) logger.debug(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # single value, mixed numbers, strings etc else: logger.debug("Color mode recognized: {}".format(cmode)) return cmode
[docs]def process_color( c=None, color=None, cmap=None, alpha=None, norm=None, bad="0.5", cmap_under=(1, 1, 1, 0.0), color_converter=matplotlib.colors.to_rgba, color_mappings={}, size=None, **otherkwargs, ): """ Color argument processing for pyrolite plots, returning a standardised output. Parameters ----------- c : :class:`str` | :class:`list` | :class:`tuple` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Color arguments as typically passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. color : :class:`str` | :class:`list` | :class:`tuple` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Color arguments as typically passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` cmap : :class:`str` | :class:`` Colormap for mapping unknown color values. alpha : :class:`float` Alpha to modulate color opacity. norm : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` Normalization for the colormap. cmap_under : :class:`str` | :class:`tuple` Color for values below the lower threshold for the cmap. color_converter Function to use to convert colors (from strings, hex, tuples etc). color_mappings : :class:`dict` Dictionary containing category-color mappings for individual color variables, with the default color mapping having the key 'color'. For use where categorical values are specified for a color variable. size : :class:`int` Size of the data array along the first axis. Returns -------- C : :class:`tuple` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Color returned in standardised RGBA format. Notes ------ As formulated here, the addition of unused styling parameters may cause some properties (associated with 'c') to be set to None - and hence revert to defaults. This might be mitigated if the context could be checked - e.g. via checking keyword argument membership of :func:`` etc. """ assert not ((c is not None) and (color is not None)) for kw in [ # extra color kwargs "facecolors", "markerfacecolor", "mfc", "markeredgecolor", "mec", "edgecolors", "ec", "linecolor", "lc", "ecolor", # for errobar "facecolor", ]: if kw in otherkwargs: # this allows processing of alpha with a given color _pc = process_color( c=otherkwargs[kw], alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, color_mappings={"c": color_mappings.get(kw)}, ) otherkwargs[kw] = _pc.get("c") if c is not None: C = c elif color is not None: C = color else: # neither color is specified d = { **{ k: v for k, v in { "c": c, "color": color, "cmap": cmap, "norm": norm, "alpha": alpha, }.items() if v is not None }, **otherkwargs, } # the parameter 'c' will override 'facecolor' and related if any([k in d for k in _face_edge_equivalents.keys()]): d.pop("c", None) return d cmode = get_cmode(C) _c, _color = None, None if cmode in ["hex", "named", "rgb", "rgba"]: # single color C = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(C) if alpha is not None: C = ( *C[:-1], alpha * C[-1], ) # can't assign to tuple, create new one instead _c, _color = np.array([C]), C # Convert to standardised form if size is not None: _c = np.ones((size, 1)) * _c # turn this into a full array as a fallback else: if cmode in [ "hex_array", "named_array", "mixed_str_array", ]: C = np.array([matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(ic) for ic in C]) elif cmode in ["rgb_array", "rgba_array"]: C = np.array([matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(ic) for ic in C]) elif cmode in ["mixed_fmt_color_array"]: C = np.array([matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(ic) for ic in C]) elif cmode in ["value_array"]: _C = np.array(C) cmap = cmap or DEFAULT_CONT_COLORMAP if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if cmap_under is not None: cmap = copy.copy(cmap) # without this, it would modify the global cmap cmap.set_under(color=cmap_under) norm = norm or plt.Normalize( vmin=otherkwargs.get("vmin") or np.nanmin(_C), vmax=otherkwargs.get("vmax") or np.nanmax(_C), ) C = cmap(norm(_C)) elif cmode == "categories": C = np.array(C, dtype="object") uniqueC = pd.unique(C) # this should now work for 'c' in addition to 'color', where the notation is matching cmapper = ( color_mappings.get("c") if c is not None else color_mappings.get("color") ) if cmapper is None: logger.debug("Using default value-mapping for categories.") _C = np.ones(len(C), dtype="int") * np.nan cmap = cmap or DEFAULT_DISC_COLORMAP if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) for ix, cat in enumerate(uniqueC): _C[C == cat] = ix / len(uniqueC) C = cmap(_C) else: logger.debug("Using custom value-mapping for categories.") C = np.array(C) _C = np.ones((len(C), 4), dtype=float) for cat in uniqueC: # subsitute in the 'bad' color for colors not in the cmap val = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(cmapper.get(cat, bad)) _C[C == cat] = val # get the mapping frome the dict C = _C else: C = np.array(C) if alpha is not None: C[:, -1] = alpha _c, _color = C, C d = {"color": _color, **otherkwargs} # the parameter 'c' will override 'facecolors' and related for markers if not any( [ k in d for k in [item for args in _face_edge_equivalents.items() for item in args] ] ): d["c"] = _c else: # for each of the facecolor modes specified return an edge variant for face, edge in _face_edge_equivalents.items(): if (face in d) and not (edge in d): d[edge] = _c if (edge in d) and not (face in d): d[face] = _c return d