Source code for pyrolite.mineral.template

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import periodictable as pt
import scipy.optimize

from ..util.log import Handle
from .mindb import get_mineral, parse_composition
from .sites import MX, OX, TX, Site
from .transform import recalc_cations

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]class MineralTemplate(object): def __init__(self, name, *components): """ Generic mineral stucture template. Formatted collection of crystallographic sites. """ = name self.structure = {} self.site_occupancy = None self.set_structure(*components)
[docs] def set_structure(self, *components): """ Set the structure of the mineral template. Parameters ---------- components Argument list consisting of each of the structural components. Can consist of any mixture of Sites or argument tuples which can be passed to Site __init__. """ self.components = list(components) self.structure = OrderedDict() if len(components): _bag = [] for c in self.components: if not isinstance(c, Site): c = Site(c) if c not in _bag: _bag.append(c) for item in _bag: self.structure[item] = self.components.count(item) self.affinities = {c: c.affinities for c in self.structure} self.ideal_cations = sum( [c.cationic * self.structure[c] for c in self.structure] ) self.ideal_oxygens = sum([c.oxygen * self.structure[c] for c in self.structure])
[docs] def copy(self): return MineralTemplate(, *self.components)
def __repr__(self): if self.structure != {}: component_string = ", ".join( ["{}".format(c.__repr__()) for c in list(self.structure)] ) return """{}("{}", {})""".format( self.__class__.__name__,, component_string ) else: return """{}("{}")""".format(self.__class__.__name__, def __str__(self): if self.structure != {}: structure = self.structure c_list = [] for site in list(structure): n, c =, structure[site] if c > 1: c_str = "[{}]$_{}$".format(n, c) else: c_str = "[{}]".format(n) c_list.append(c_str) component_string = "".join(c_list) return """`{}` {}""".format(, component_string) else: return """`{}`""".format( def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__repr__().encode("UTF-8"))
[docs]class Mineral(object): def __init__(self, name=None, template=None, composition=None, endmembers=None): """Mineral, with structure and composition.""" = name self.template = None self.composition = None self.formula = None self.endmembers = {} self.set_template(template) self.set_composition(composition) self.set_endmembers(endmembers) self.endmember_decomposition = None self.init = True
[docs] def set_endmembers(self, endmembers=None): """Set the endmbmer components for a mineral.""" if endmembers is not None: if isinstance(endmembers, list): for em in endmembers: self.add_endmember(em) elif isinstance(endmembers, dict): for name, em in endmembers.items(): self.add_endmember(em, name=name)
[docs] def add_endmember(self, em, name=None): """Add a single endmember to the database.""" mineral = em if isinstance(mineral, tuple): name, mineral = mineral if mineral is not None: # process different options for getting a mineral output if isinstance(mineral, str): name = name or str(mineral) mineral = Mineral(name, None, pt.formula(get_mineral(em)["formula"])) elif isinstance(mineral, pt.formulas.Formula): name = name or str(mineral) mineral = Mineral(name, None, mineral) else: pass name = name or self.endmembers[name] = mineral
[docs] def set_template(self, template, name=None): """Assign a mineral template to the mineral.""" if template is not None: if name is None: name = if not isinstance(template, MineralTemplate): template = MineralTemplate(name, *template) else: template = template.copy() else: template = MineralTemplate("") if template is not None: logger.debug("Setting Template: {}".format(template)) else: logger.debug("Clearing Template") self.template = template self.sites = [i for i in list(self.template.structure)] self.recalculate_cations()
[docs] def set_composition(self, composition=None): """ Parse and assign a composition to the mineral. Parameters --------- composition Composition to assign to the mineral. Can be provided in any form which is digestable by parse_composition. """ if isinstance(composition, pt.formulas.Formula): self.formula = composition composition = parse_composition(composition) if composition is not None: logger.debug( "Setting Composition: {}".format( {k: np.round(v, 4) for k, v in composition.to_dict().items()} ) ) else: logger.debug("Clearing Composition") self.composition = composition self.recalculate_cations()
[docs] def recalculate_cations( self, composition=None, ideal_cations=None, ideal_oxygens=None, Fe_species=["FeO", "Fe", "Fe2O3"], oxygen_constrained=False, ): """ Recalculate a composition to give an elemental ionic breakdown. Parameters ---------- composition Composition to recalculate. If not provided, will try to use the mineral composition as set. ideal_cations : int Ideal number of cations to use for formulae calcuations. Will only be used if oxygen is constrained (i.e. multiple Fe species present or oxygen_constrained=True). ideal_oxygens : int Ideal number of oxygens to use for formulae calcuations. Will only be used if oxygen is not constrained (i.e. single Fe species present and oxygen_constrained=False). Fe_species : list List of iron species for identifying redox-defined compositions. oxygen_constrained : bool, False Whether the oxygen is a closed or open system for the specific composition. """ composition = composition or self.composition if composition is not None: ideal_cations = ideal_cations or self.template.ideal_cations ideal_oxygens = ideal_oxygens or self.template.ideal_cations self.cationic_composition = recalc_cations( self.composition, ideal_cations=ideal_cations, ideal_oxygens=ideal_oxygens, Fe_species=Fe_species, oxygen_constrained=oxygen_constrained, ) return self.cationic_composition
[docs] def apfu(self): """Get the atoms per formula unit.""" # recalculate_cations return apfu by default return self.recalculate_cations()
[docs] def endmember_decompose(self, det_lim=0.01): """ Decompose a mineral composition into endmember components. Parameters ---------- det_lim : float Detection limit for individual Notes ----- Currently implmented using optimization based on mass fractions. Todo ----- Implement site-based endmember decomposition, which will enable more checks and balances. """ assert self.endmembers is not None # take endmembers with components which may be present in composition _target_components = set(self.composition.index.values) potential_components = [] for em, tem in self.endmembers.items(): _components = set(tem.composition.index.values) if _components.issubset(_target_components): potential_components.append((em, tem)) compositions = pd.concat( [c.composition for em, c in potential_components], axis=1, sort=False ).fillna(0) compositions.columns = [em for em, c in potential_components] weights = np.ones((compositions.columns.size)) weights /= weights.sum() x = compositions.values.T y = self.composition.reindex(compositions.index).fillna(0).values def mixture(weights, x, y): return weights @ (x - y) res = scipy.optimize.least_squares( mixture, weights, bounds=([0.0] * weights.shape[0], [1.0] * weights.shape[0]), args=(x, y), ) abundances, cost = res.x, res.cost if cost > det_lim: logger.warn("Residuals are higher than detection limits.") # convert abundances to molecular abundances = pd.Series( {c: v for (c, v) in zip(compositions.columns, abundances)} ) abundances = abundances.div([c.formula.mass for em, c in potential_components]) abundances = abundances.div(abundances.sum()) abundances.loc[ (np.isclose(abundances, 0.0, atol=1e-06) | (abundances <= det_lim)) ] = np.nan abundances = abundances.loc[~pd.isnull(abundances)] abundances /= abundances.sum() # optimise decomposition into endmember components self.endmember_decomposition = abundances.to_dict() return self.endmember_decomposition
[docs] def calculate_occupancy( self, composition=None, error=10e-6, balances=[["Fe{2+}", "Mg{2+}"]] ): """ Calculate the estimated site occupancy for a given composition. Ions will be assigned to sites according to affinities. Sites with equal affinities should recieve equal assignment. Parameters ----------- composition Composition to calculate site occupancy for. error : float Absolute error for floating point occupancy calculations. balances : list List of iterables containing ions to balance across multiple sites. Note that the partitioning will occur after non-balanced cations are assigned, and that ions are only balanced between sites which have defined affinities for all of the particular ions defined in the 'balance'. """ if self.template is not None: if composition is None: self.recalculate_cations() composition = self.cationic_composition else: composition = parse_composition(composition) if composition is None: logger.warn("Composition not set. Cannot calculate occupancy.") affinities = pd.DataFrame( [site.affinities for site in self.template.structure] ).T affinities.columns = self.sites occupancy = affinities.copy().reindex(composition.index) unknown_site_ions = occupancy.loc[ occupancy.count(axis=1) == 0, : ].index.values if len(unknown_site_ions): logger.warn("Unknown site for: {}".format(unknown_site_ions)) occupancy.loc[:, :] = 0.0 for site in self.sites: site.occupancy = pd.Series(index=occupancy.index, dtype="float").fillna( 0 ) inventory = composition.copy() for site in self.sites[::-1]: accepts = [ i for i in sorted(site.affinities, key=site.affinities.__getitem__) if i in inventory.index ] capacity = float(self.template.structure[site]) site_balances = [b for b in balances if all([i in accepts for i in b])] direct_assign = [ i for i in accepts if not any([i in b for b in site_balances]) ] for ion in direct_assign: current = site.occupancy.sum() if not np.isclose(current, capacity + error): assigning = np.nanmin([capacity - current, inventory[ion]]) if not assigning + current - (capacity + error) > 0.0: logger.debug( "Assigning {:.3f} {} to Site {}".format( assigning, ion, site ) ) occupancy.loc[ion, site] += assigning site.occupancy[ion] += occupancy.loc[ion, site] inventory[ion] -= assigning else: logger.warn( "{} capacity encountered: {} / {}".format( site, assigning + current, capacity ) ) for group in site_balances: current = site.occupancy.sum() invent = inventory.loc[group].sum() fractions = inventory.loc[group] / inventory.loc[group].sum() if not np.isclose(current, capacity + error): assigning = np.nanmin([capacity - current, invent]) if not assigning + current - (capacity + error) > 0.0: logger.debug( "Assigning {:.3f} {} to Site {}".format( assigning, ion, site ) ) assigning *= fractions occupancy.loc[group, site] += assigning site.occupancy[group] += occupancy.loc[group, site] inventory.loc[group] -= assigning else: logger.warn( "{} capacity encountered: {} / {}".format( site, assigning + current, capacity ) ) # check sums across all sites equal the full composition self.template.site_occupancy = occupancy return occupancy else: logger.warn("Template not yet set. Cannot calculate occupancy.")
[docs] def get_site_occupancy(self): """Get the site occupancy for the mineral.""" self.calculate_occupancy() return self.template.site_occupancy
def __str__(self): """Get a string representation of the Mineral.""" D = {} for kwarg in ["name", "template"]: val = getattr(self, kwarg, None) if val is not None: D[kwarg] = val callstrings = [] for v in D.values(): callstrings.append("""{}""".format(v.__str__())) strstring = r"""{}: """.format(self.__class__.__name__) + ", ".join(callstrings) return strstring def __repr__(self): """Get the call signature of the Mineral.""" D = {} for kwarg in ["name", "template", "endmembers"]: val = getattr(self, kwarg, None) if val is not None: D[kwarg] = val callstrings = [] for k, v in D.items(): callstrings.append("""{}={},""".format(k, v.__repr__())) reprstring = ( r"""{}(""".format(self.__class__.__name__) + "".join(callstrings) + r""")""" ) return reprstring def __hash__(self): """Get the hash for the call signature of the Mineral.""" return hash(self.__repr__().encode("UTF-8"))
M1 = MX( "M1", affinities={ "Mg{2+}": 0, "Fe{2+}": 1, "Mn{2+}": 2, "Li{+}": 3, "Ca{2+}": 4, "Na{+}": 5, }, ) M2 = MX( "M2", affinities={ "Al{3+}": 0, "Fe{3+}": 1, "Ti{4+}": 2, "Cr{3+}": 3, "V{3+}": 4, "Ti{3+}": 5, "Zr{4+}": 6, "Sc{3+}": 7, "Zn{2+}": 8, "Mg{2+}": 9, "Fe{2+}": 10, "Mn{2+}": 11, }, ) OLIVINE = MineralTemplate( "olivine", M1, M2, TX(), *[OX()] * 2, ) PYROXENE = MineralTemplate( "pyroxene", M1, M2, *[TX()] * 2, *[OX()] * 6, ) SPINEL = MineralTemplate( "spinel", Site( "A", affinities={"Mg{2+}": 0, "Fe{2+}": 1, "Mn{2+}": 2, "Zn{2+}": 3}, coordination=4, ), *[ Site( "B", affinities={"Al{3+}": 0, "Fe{3+}": 1, "Cr{3+}": 3, "V{3+}": 3}, coordination=6, ) ] * 2, *[OX()] * 4, )