Source code for pyrolite.geochem.transform

Functions for converting, transforming and parameterizing geochemical data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import periodictable as pt

from ..comp.codata import close, renormalise
from ..util import lambdas
from ..util.log import Handle
from ..util.meta import update_docstring_references
from ..util.text import remove_suffix, titlecase
from ..util.types import iscollection
from .ind import (
from .norm import Composition, get_reference_composition

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def to_molecular(df: pd.DataFrame, renorm=True): """ Converts mass quantities to molar quantities of the same order. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to transform. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after converting to relative moles. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. Notes ------ Does not convert units (i.e. mass% --> mol%; mass-ppm --> mol-ppm). """ # df = df.to_frame() MWs = [pt.formula(c).mass for c in df.columns] if renorm: return renormalise(df.div(MWs)) else: return df.div(MWs)
[docs]def to_weight(df: pd.DataFrame, renorm=True): """ Converts molar quantities to mass quantities of the same order. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to transform. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after converting to relative moles. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. Notes ------- Does not convert units (i.e. mol% --> mass%; mol-ppm --> mass-ppm). """ # df = df.to_frame() MWs = [pt.formula(c).mass for c in df.columns] if renorm: return renormalise(df.multiply(MWs)) else: return df.multiply(MWs)
[docs]def devolatilise( df: pd.DataFrame, exclude=["H2O", "H2O_PLUS", "H2O_MINUS", "CO2", "LOI"], renorm=True, ): """ Recalculates components after exclusion of volatile phases (e.g. H2O, CO2). Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to devolatilise. exclude : :class:`list` Components to exclude from the dataset. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after devolatilisation. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. """ keep = [i for i in df.columns if not i in exclude] if renorm: return renormalise(df.loc[:, keep]) else: return df.loc[:, keep]
[docs]def oxide_conversion(oxin, oxout, molecular=False): """ Factory function to generate a function to convert oxide components between two elemental oxides, for use in redox recalculations. Parameters ---------- oxin : :class:`str` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` Input component. oxout : :class:`str` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` Output component. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to apply the conversion for molecular data. Returns ------- Function to convert a :class:`pandas.Series` from one elment-oxide component to another. """ if not isinstance(oxin, pt.formulas.Formula): oxin = pt.formula(oxin) if not isinstance(oxout, pt.formulas.Formula): oxout = pt.formula(oxout) inatoms = {k: v for (k, v) in oxin.atoms.items() if not str(k) == "O"} in_els = inatoms.keys() outatoms = {k: v for (k, v) in oxout.atoms.items() if not str(k) == "O"} out_els = outatoms.keys() try: # Assertion of simple oxide assert (len(in_els) == len(out_els)) & (len(in_els) == 1) assert in_els == out_els # Need to be dealing with the same element! except: raise ValueError("Incompatible compounds: {} --> {}".format(in_els, out_els)) # Moles of product vs. moles of reactant cation_coefficient = list(inatoms.values())[0] / list(outatoms.values())[0] def convert_series(dfser: pd.Series, molecular=molecular): if molecular: factor = cation_coefficient else: factor = cation_coefficient * oxout.mass / oxin.mass converted = dfser * float(factor) return converted doc = "Convert series from " + str(oxin) + " to " + str(oxout) convert_series.__doc__ = doc return convert_series
[docs]def elemental_sum( df: pd.DataFrame, component=None, to=None, total_suffix="T", logdata=False, molecular=False, ): """ Sums abundance for a cation to a single series, starting from a dataframe containing multiple componnents with a single set of units. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame for which to aggregate cation data. component : :class:`str` Component indicating which element to aggregate. to : :class:`str` Component to cast the output as. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether data has been log transformed. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to perform a sum of molecular data. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` Series with cation aggregated. """ assert component is not None if isinstance(component, (list, tuple, dict)): cations = [get_cations(t, total_suffix=total_suffix)[0] for t in component] assert all([c == cations[0] for c in cations]) cation = cations[0] else: cation = get_cations(component, total_suffix=total_suffix)[0] cationname = str(cation) logger.debug("Agregating {} Data.".format(cationname)) # different species poss_specs = [cationname] + simple_oxides(cation) poss_specs += [i + total_suffix for i in poss_specs] species = [i for i in set(poss_specs) if i in df.columns] if not species: logger.warning( "No relevant species ({}) found to aggregate.".format(poss_specs) ) # return nulls subsum = pd.Series(np.ones(df.index.size) * np.nan, index=df.index) else: subset = np.array(df.loc[:, species]) if logdata: logger.debug("Inverse-log-transforming {} data.".format(cationname)) subset = np.exp(subset) logger.debug( "Converting all {} data ({}) to metallic {} equiv.".format( cationname, ",".join(species), cationname ) ) conversion_coeff = np.array( [ oxide_conversion( remove_suffix(s, suffix=total_suffix), cationname, molecular=molecular, )(1.0) for s in species ] ) subset *= conversion_coeff logger.debug("Zeroing non-finite and negative {} values.".format(cationname)) subset[(~np.isfinite(subset)) | (subset < 0.0)] = 0.0 subsum = subset.sum(axis=1) subsum[subsum <= 0.0] = np.nan if to is None: return pd.Series(subsum, index=df.index, name=cationname) else: return pd.Series( oxide_conversion(cationname, to, molecular=molecular)(subsum), index=df.index, name=to, )
[docs]def aggregate_element( df: pd.DataFrame, to, total_suffix="T", logdata=False, renorm=False, molecular=False ): """ Aggregates cation information from oxide and elemental components to either a single species or a designated mixture of species. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame for which to aggregate cation data. to : :class:`str` | :class:`~periodictable.core.Element` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` | :class:`dict` Component(s) to convert to. If one component is specified, the element will be converted to the target species. If more than one component is specified with proportions in a dictionary (e.g. :code:`{'FeO': 0.9, 'Fe2O3': 0.1}`), the components will be split as a fraction of the elemental sum. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after recalculation. total_suffix : :class:`str`, 'T' Suffix of 'total' variables. E.g. 'T' for FeOT, Fe2O3T. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the data has been log transformed. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to perform a sum of molecular data. Notes ------- This won't convert units, so need to start from single set of units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with cation aggregated to the desired species. """ # get the elemental sum for the specified cation subsum = elemental_sum( df, to, total_suffix=total_suffix, logdata=logdata, molecular=molecular ) # split this elemental sum into different components cation = species = simple_oxides(cation) species += [i + total_suffix for i in species] species = [i for i in species if i in df.columns] _df = df.copy() if isinstance(to, str): logger.debug("Aggregating string-specified component {}.".format(to)) toform = remove_suffix(to, suffix=total_suffix) drop = [i for i in species if str(i) != to] targetnames = [to] props = [1.0] # 100% coeff = [oxide_conversion(cation, toform, molecular=molecular)(1)] elif isinstance(to, (pt.core.Element, pt.formulas.Formula)): logger.debug("Aggregating object-specified component {}.".format(to)) to = str(to) drop = [i for i in species if str(i) != to] targetnames = [to] props = [1.0] # 100% coeff = [oxide_conversion(cation, to, molecular=molecular)(1)] elif isinstance(to, dict): logger.debug( "Aggregating dict-specified components {}.".format(",".join(to.keys())) ) targets = list(to.items()) targetnames = [str(t[0]) for t in targets] _props = np.array([t[1] for t in targets]).astype(float) if _props.ndim == 2: # proportions are a n-dimensional array (i.e. one array for each component) props = close(_props.T).T else: props = close(_props) # proportions are a series of floats coeff = [ oxide_conversion(cation, t, molecular=molecular)(p) for t, p in zip(targetnames, props) ] drop = [i for i in species if str(i) not in targetnames] else: raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented for tuples, lists, arrays etc.") logger.debug( # edited to deal with arrays "Transforming {} to: {}".format( cation, { k: ( "{:2.1f}%".format(v * 100) if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else ",".join(list((v * 100).astype(str))) ) for (k, v) in zip(targetnames, props) }, ) ) for t in targetnames: if t not in _df: _df[t] = 0 # avoid missing column errors coeff = np.array(coeff) if coeff.ndim == 2: _df.loc[:, targetnames] = subsum.values[:, np.newaxis] * coeff.T else: _df.loc[:, targetnames] = subsum.values[:, np.newaxis] @ coeff[np.newaxis, :] if logdata: logger.debug("Log-transforming {} Data.".format(cation)) _df.loc[:, targetnames] = np.log(_df.loc[:, targetnames]) if drop: logger.debug("Dropping redundant columns: {}".format(", ".join(drop))) df = df.drop(columns=drop) df.loc[:, targetnames] = _df.loc[:, targetnames].replace(0, np.nan) if renorm: return renormalise(df) else: return df
[docs]def get_ratio( df: pd.DataFrame, ratio: str, alias: str = None, norm_to=None, molecular=False ): """ Get a ratio of components A and B, given in the form of string 'A/B'. Returned series be assigned an alias name. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to append ratio to. ratio : :class:`str` String decription of ratio in the form A/B[_n]. alias : :class:`str` Alternate name for ratio to be used as column name. norm_to : :class:`str` | :class:`pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition`, `None` Reference composition to normalise to. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with ratio appended. Todo ------ * Use elemental sum from reference compositions * Use sympy-like functionality to accept arbitrary input for calculation e.g. :code:`"MgNo = Mg / (Mg + Fe)"` See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.add_MgNo` """ num, den = ratio.split("/") # remove start/trailing brackets for ratios of the form (A/B)_n ? num = num.replace("(", "") den = den.replace(")", "") _to_norm = False if den.lower().endswith("_n"): den = titlecase(den.lower().replace("_n", "")) _to_norm = True name = [ratio if ((not alias) or (alias is None)) else alias][0] logger.debug("Calculating Ratio: {}".format(name)) numsum, densum = ( elemental_sum(df, num, to=num, molecular=molecular), elemental_sum(df, den, to=den, molecular=molecular), ) ratio = numsum / densum if _to_norm or (norm_to is not None): # if molecular, this will need to change if isinstance(norm_to, str): norm = get_reference_composition(norm_to) num_n, den_n = norm[num], norm[den] norm_ratio = num_n / den_n elif isinstance(norm_to, Composition): norm = norm_to num_n, den_n = norm[num], norm[den] norm_ratio = num_n / den_n elif iscollection(norm_to): # list, iterable, pd.Index etc num_n, den_n = norm_to norm_ratio = num_n / den_n elif isinstance(norm_to, (int, float)): # a number for the ratio norm_ratio = norm_to else: logger.warning("Unknown normalization, defaulting to Chondrite.") norm = get_reference_composition("Chondrite_PON") num_n, den_n = norm[num], norm[den] norm_ratio = num_n / den_n if not np.isfinite(norm_ratio): # could be NaN logger.warn("Invalid ratio for normalisation from: {}".format(norm_to)) logger.debug("Normalizing Ratio: {}".format(name)) ratio /= norm_ratio ratio[~np.isfinite(ratio.values)] = np.nan # avoid inf = name return ratio
[docs]def add_MgNo( df: pd.DataFrame, molecular=False, use_total_approx=False, approx_Fe203_frac=0.1, name="Mg#", ): """ Append the magnesium number to a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input dataframe. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the input data is molecular. use_total_approx : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to use an approximate calculation using total iron rather than just FeO. approx_Fe203_frac : :class:`float` Fraction of iron which is oxidised, used in approximation mentioned above. name : :class:`str` Name to use for the Mg Number column. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with ratio appended. See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.get_ratio` """ logger.debug("Adding Mg#") mg = elemental_sum(df, "Mg", molecular=molecular) if use_total_approx: speciation = {"FeO": 1.0 - approx_Fe203_frac, "Fe2O3": approx_Fe203_frac} fe = aggregate_element(df, to=speciation, molecular=molecular)["FeO"] else: fltr = [i for i in df.columns if "Fe2O3" not in i] # exclude ferric iron fe = elemental_sum(df.loc[:, fltr], "Fe", molecular=molecular) if not molecular: # convert these outputs to molecular, unless already so mg, fe = ( to_molecular(mg.to_frame(), renorm=False), to_molecular(fe.to_frame(), renorm=False), ) mgnos = mg.values / (mg.values + fe.values) if mgnos.size: # to cope with empty arrays df[name] = mgnos else: df[name] = None return df
[docs]def lambda_lnREE( df, norm_to="ChondriteREE_ON", exclude=["Pm", "Eu"], params=None, degree=4, scale="ppm", allow_missing=True, min_elements=7, algorithm="ONeill", sigmas=None, **kwargs, ): r""" Calculates orthogonal polynomial coefficients (lambdas) for a given set of REE data, normalised to a specific composition [#localref_1]_. Lambda coefficeints are given for the polynomial regression of ln(REE/NORM) vs radii. Parameters ------------ df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to calculate lambda coefficients for. norm_to : :class:`str` | :class:`~pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Which reservoir to normalise REE data to (defaults to :code:`"ChondriteREE_ON"`). exclude : :class:`list`, :code:`["Pm", "Eu"]` Which REE elements to exclude from the *fit*. May wish to include Ce for minerals in which Ce anomalies are common. params : :class:`list` | :class:`str`, :code:`None` Pre-computed parameters for the orthogonal polynomials (a list of tuples). Optionally specified, otherwise defaults the parameterisation as in O'Neill (2016). If a string is supplied, :code:`"O'Neill (2016)"` or similar will give the original defaults, while :code:`"full"` will use all of the REE (including Eu) as a basis for the orthogonal polynomials. degree : :class:`int`, 4 Maximum degree polynomial fit component to include. scale : :class:`str` Current units for the REE data, used to scale the reference dataset. allow_missing : :class:`True` Whether to calculate lambdas for rows which might be missing values. min_elements : :class:`int` Minimum columns present to return lambda values. algorithm : :class:`str` Algorithm to use for fitting the orthogonal polynomials. sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`pandas.Series` Value or 1D array of fractional REE uncertaintes (i.e. :math:`\sigma_{REE}/REE`). Todo ----- * Operate only on valid rows. * Add residuals, Eu, Ce anomalies as options. References ----------- .. [#localref_1] O’Neill HSC (2016) The Smoothness and Shapes of Chondrite-normalized Rare Earth Element Patterns in Basalts. J Petrology 57:1463–1508. doi: `10.1093/petrology/egw047 <>`__ See Also --------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.ind.get_ionic_radii` :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.calc_lambdas` :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.params.orthogonal_polynomial_constants` :func:`~pyrolite.plot.REE_radii_plot` """ # if there are no supplied params, they will be calculated in calc_lambdas ree = df.pyrochem.list_REE # this excludes Pm # initialize normdf norm_df = df.loc[:, ree].copy() # check if there are columns which are empty empty = list(norm_df.columns[norm_df.isnull().all(axis=0)]) if empty: logger.debug("Empty columns found: {}".format(", ".join(empty))) exclude += empty if norm_df.columns.size < min_elements: msg = ( "Dataframe size below minimum number of elements required to conduct a fit." ) logger.warning(msg) if norm_to is not None: # None = already normalised data if isinstance(norm_to, str): norm = get_reference_composition(norm_to) norm.set_units(scale) norm_abund = norm[ree] elif isinstance(norm_to, Composition): norm = norm_to norm.set_units(scale) norm_abund = norm[ree] else: # list, iterable, pd.Index etc norm_abund = np.array(norm_to) assert len(norm_abund) == len(ree) norm_df.loc[:, ree] = np.divide(norm_df.loc[:, ree].values, norm_abund) norm_df.loc[(norm_df <= 0.0).any(axis=1), :] = np.nan # remove zero or below norm_df.loc[:, ree] = np.log(norm_df.loc[:, ree]) if not (sigmas is None): if isinstance(sigmas, pd.Series): # convert this to an array sigmas = sigmas[ree].values if not allow_missing: # nullify rows with missing data missing = pd.isnull(df.loc[:, ree]).any(axis=1) if missing.any(): logger.debug("Ignoring {} rows with missing data.".format(missing.sum())) norm_df.loc[missing, :] = np.nan row_filter = norm_df.count(axis=1) >= min_elements lambdadf = pd.DataFrame( index=norm_df.index, dtype="float32", ) ls = lambdas.calc_lambdas( norm_df.loc[row_filter, :], exclude=exclude, params=params, degree=degree, algorithm=algorithm, sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs, ) lambdadf.loc[row_filter, ls.columns] = ls assert lambdadf.index.size == df.index.size return lambdadf
lambda_lnREE = update_docstring_references(lambda_lnREE, ref="localref")
[docs]def convert_chemistry( input_df, to=[], total_suffix="T", renorm=False, molecular=False, logdata=False, **kwargs, ): """ Attempts to convert a dataframe with one set of components to another. Parameters ----------- input_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to convert. to : :class:`list` Set of columns to try to extract from the dataframe. Can also include a dictionary for iron speciation. See :func:`aggregate_element`. total_suffix : :class:`str`, 'T' Suffix of 'total' variables. E.g. 'T' for FeOT, Fe2O3T. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to renormalise the data after transformation. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether chemical data has been log transformed. Necessary for aggregation functions. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with converted chemistry. Todo ------ * Check for conflicts between oxides and elements * Aggregator for ratios * Implement generalised redox transformation. * Add check for dicitonary components (e.g. Fe) in tests """ df = input_df.copy(deep=True) #################################################################################### # Parse what we need to get from the dataframe #################################################################################### oxides = _common_oxides elements = _common_elements compositional_components = oxides | elements # multi-component dictionaries which are not elements/oxides/ratios coupled_sets = [ i for i in to if not isinstance(i, (str, pt.core.Element, pt.formulas.Formula)) ] if coupled_sets: logger.debug( "Found coupled sets: {}".format( ", ".join([str(set(s)) for s in coupled_sets]) ) ) # check that all sets in coupled_sets have the same cation coupled_components = [k for s in coupled_sets for k in s.keys()] # need to get the additional things from here present_comp = [i for i in df.columns if i in compositional_components] noncomp = [i for i in df.columns if (i not in present_comp)] new_ratios = [i for i in to if "/" in i and i not in df.columns] #################################################################################### # Deal with individual compositional components # and speciated components #################################################################################### output_compositional = [ i for i in to if i not in coupled_sets + noncomp + new_ratios ] # check that these are all unique components assert len(set(output_compositional)) == len( output_compositional ), "All compositional components specified need to be unique." # TODO: Check for any sets of species which have the same principal cation here out_fe_nonspeciated = [i for i in output_compositional if "Fe" in str(i)] if len(out_fe_nonspeciated) > 1: # e.g. [FeO, Fe2O3] output_compositional = [ c for c in output_compositional if c not in out_fe_nonspeciated ] # all of these species must be present in the dataframe already, and we'll take them as-is # at the last step of this function assert all([f in present_comp for f in out_fe_nonspeciated]), ( "Where multiple components with the same principal cation are requested" " but a speciation is not specified, they need to already exist in the " "dataframe: {}".format(",".join(out_fe_nonspeciated)) ) logger.debug("Checking Iron Redox") # check if any of the coupled_sets dictionaries correspond to iron coupled_fe = [s for s in coupled_sets if all(["Fe" in k for k in s])] if coupled_fe: assert ( not out_fe_nonspeciated ) # can't have both a speciation and a compositional request get_fe = coupled_fe[0] try: logger.debug( "Transforming {} to {}.".format( ", ".join([i for i in present_comp if "Fe" in str(i)]), get_fe ) ) except TypeError: pass # this is likely because there are arrays etc in get_fe df = aggregate_element( df, to=get_fe, renorm=False, logdata=logdata, molecular=molecular, total_suffix=total_suffix, **kwargs, ) # Aggregate the singular compositional items, then get new columns for item in output_compositional: df = aggregate_element(df, to=item, logdata=logdata, molecular=molecular) #################################################################################### # Handle Ratios #################################################################################### if new_ratios: logger.debug("Adding Requested Ratios: {}".format(", ".join(new_ratios))) for r in new_ratios: r = get_ratio(df, r, molecular=molecular) df[] = r #################################################################################### # Checks and output #################################################################################### remaining = [ i for i in output_compositional + coupled_components if i not in df.columns ] assert not len(remaining), "Columns not attained: {}".format(", ".join(remaining)) output_columns = ( noncomp + output_compositional + (out_fe_nonspeciated if len(out_fe_nonspeciated) > 1 else []) + coupled_components + new_ratios ) present_comp = [i for i in df.columns if i in compositional_components] if renorm: logger.debug("Recalculation Done, Renormalising compositional components.") df.loc[:, present_comp] = renormalise(df.loc[:, present_comp]) return df.loc[:, output_columns] else: logger.debug("Recalculation Done. Data not renormalised.") return df.loc[:, output_columns]