Source code for pyrolite.geochem

Submodule for working with geochemical data.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..util import units
from ..util.log import Handle
from ..util.meta import update_docstring_references
from . import norm, parse, transform
from .ind import REE, REY, _common_elements, _common_oxides
from .ions import set_default_ionic_charges

logger = Handle(__name__)


# note that only some of these methods will be valid for series
[docs]@pd.api.extensions.register_series_accessor("pyrochem") @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor("pyrochem") class pyrochem(object): def __init__(self, obj): """Custom dataframe accessor for pyrolite geochemistry.""" self._validate(obj) self._obj = obj @property def _selection_index(self): """ Get the seleciton index of the current object. Best used as a property, generated on demand, otherwise will have memory from initial object instantiation. """ return ( self._obj.columns if isinstance(self._obj, pd.DataFrame) else self._obj.index ) @staticmethod def _validate(obj): pass # pyrolite.geochem.ind functions @property def list_elements(self): """ Get the subset of columns which are element names. Returns -------- :class:`list` Notes ------- The list will have the same ordering as the source DataFrame. """ return [i for i in self._selection_index if i in _common_elements] @property def list_isotope_ratios(self): """ Get the subset of columns which are isotope ratios. Returns -------- :class:`list` Notes ------- The list will have the same ordering as the source DataFrame. """ return [c for c in self._selection_index if parse.is_isotoperatio(c)] @property def list_REE(self): """ Get the subset of columns which are Rare Earth Element names. Returns -------- :class:`list` Notes ------- The returned list will reorder REE based on atomic number. """ return [ i for i in REE(dropPm=("Pm" not in self._selection_index)) if i in self._selection_index ] @property def list_REY(self): """ Get the subset of columns which are Rare Earth Element names. Returns -------- :class:`list` Notes ------- The returned list will reorder REE based on atomic number. """ return [ i for i in REY(dropPm=("Pm" not in self._selection_index)) if i in self._selection_index ] @property def list_oxides(self): """ Get the subset of columns which are oxide names. Returns -------- :class:`list` Notes ------- The list will have the same ordering as the source DataFrame. """ return [i for i in self._selection_index if i in _common_oxides] @property def list_compositional(self): return list(self.list_oxides + self.list_elements) @property def elements(self): """ Get an elemental subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ return self._obj[self.list_elements] @elements.setter def elements(self, df): self._obj[self.list_elements] = df @property def REE(self): """ Get a Rare Earth Element subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ return self._obj[self.list_REE] @REE.setter def REE(self, df): self._obj[self.list_REE] = df @property def REY(self): """ Get a Rare Earth Element + Yttrium subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ return self._obj[self.list_REY] @REY.setter def REY(self, df): self._obj[self.list_REY] = df @property def oxides(self): """ Get an oxide subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ return self._obj[self.list_oxides] @oxides.setter def oxides(self, df): self._obj[self.list_oxides] = df @property def isotope_ratios(self): """ Get an isotope ratio subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ return self._obj[self.list_isotope_ratios] @isotope_ratios.setter def isotope_ratios(self, df): self._obj[self.list_isotope_ratios] = df @property def compositional(self): """ Get an oxide & elemental subset of a DataFrame. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.Dataframe` Notes ------ This wil not include isotope ratios. """ return self._obj.loc[:, self.list_compositional] @compositional.setter def compositional(self, df): self._obj[self.list_compositional] = df # pyrolite.geochem.parse functions
[docs] def parse_chem(self, abbrv=["ID", "IGSN"], split_on=r"[\s_]+"): """ Convert column names to pyrolite-recognised elemental, oxide and isotope ratio column names where valid names are found. """ self._obj.columns = parse.tochem( self._obj.columns, abbrv=abbrv, split_on=split_on ) return self._obj
[docs] def check_multiple_cation_inclusion(self, exclude=["LOI", "FeOT", "Fe2O3T"]): """ Returns cations which are present in both oxide and elemental form. Parameters ----------- exclude : :class:`list`, :code:`["LOI", "FeOT", "Fe2O3T"]` List of components to exclude from the duplication check. Returns -------- :class:`set` Set of elements for which multiple components exist in the dataframe. """ return parse.check_multiple_cation_inclusion(self._obj, exclude=exclude)
# pyrolite.geochem.transform functions
[docs] def to_molecular(self, renorm=True): """ Converts mass quantities to molar quantities. Parameters ----------- renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after converting to relative moles. Notes ------ Does not convert units (i.e. mass% --> mol%; mass-ppm --> mol-ppm). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. """ return transform.to_molecular(self._obj, renorm=renorm)
[docs] def to_weight(self, renorm=True): """ Converts molar quantities to mass quantities. Parameters ----------- renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after converting to relative moles. Notes ------ Does not convert units (i.e. mol% --> mass%; mol-ppm --> mass-ppm). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. """ return transform.to_weight(self._obj, renorm=renorm)
[docs] def devolatilise( self, exclude=["H2O", "H2O_PLUS", "H2O_MINUS", "CO2", "LOI"], renorm=True ): """ Recalculates components after exclusion of volatile phases (e.g. H2O, CO2). Parameters ----------- exclude : :class:`list` Components to exclude from the dataset. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after devolatilisation. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. """ return transform.devolatilise(self._obj, exclude=exclude, renorm=renorm)
[docs] def elemental_sum( self, component=None, to=None, total_suffix="T", logdata=False, molecular=False ): """ Sums abundance for a cation to a single series, starting from a dataframe containing multiple componnents with a single set of units. Parameters ---------- component : :class:`str` Component indicating which element to aggregate. to : :class:`str` Component to cast the output as. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether data has been log transformed. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to perform a sum of molecular data. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` Series with cation aggregated. """ return transform.elemental_sum( self._obj, component=component, to=to, total_suffix=total_suffix, logdata=logdata, molecular=molecular, )
[docs] def aggregate_element( self, to, total_suffix="T", logdata=False, renorm=False, molecular=False ): """ Aggregates cation information from oxide and elemental components to either a single species or a designated mixture of species. Parameters ---------- to : :class:`str` | :class:`~periodictable.core.Element` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` | :class:`dict` Component(s) to convert to. If one component is specified, the element will be converted to the target species. If more than one component is specified with proportions in a dictionary (e.g. :code:`{'FeO': 0.9, 'Fe2O3': 0.1}`), the components will be split as a fraction of the elemental sum. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after recalculation. total_suffix : :class:`str`, 'T' Suffix of 'total' variables. E.g. 'T' for FeOT, Fe2O3T. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the data has been log transformed. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to perform a sum of molecular data. Notes ------- This won't convert units, so need to start from single set of units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` Series with cation aggregated. """ return transform.aggregate_element( self._obj, to, total_suffix=total_suffix, logdata=logdata, renorm=renorm, molecular=molecular, )
[docs] def recalculate_Fe( self, to="FeOT", renorm=False, total_suffix="T", logdata=False, molecular=False ): """ Recalculates abundances of iron, and normalises a dataframe to contain either a single species, or multiple species in certain proportions. Parameters ----------- to : :class:`str` | :class:`~periodictable.core.Element` | :class:`~periodictable.formulas.Formula` | :class:`dict` Component(s) to convert to. If one component is specified, all iron will be converted to the target species. If more than one component is specified with proportions in a dictionary (e.g. :code:`{'FeO': 0.9, 'Fe2O3': 0.1}`), the components will be split as a fraction of Fe. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to renormalise the dataframe after recalculation. total_suffix : :class:`str`, 'T' Suffix of 'total' variables. E.g. 'T' for FeOT, Fe2O3T. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the data has been log transformed. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Transformed dataframe. """ return transform.recalculate_Fe( self._obj, to, total_suffix=total_suffix, logdata=logdata, renorm=renorm, molecular=molecular, )
[docs] def get_ratio(self, ratio: str, alias: str = None, norm_to=None, molecular=False): """ Add a ratio of components A and B, given in the form of string 'A/B'. Returned series be assigned an alias name. Parameters ----------- ratio : :class:`str` String decription of ratio in the form A/B[_n]. alias : :class:`str` Alternate name for ratio to be used as column name. norm_to : :class:`str` | :class:`pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition`, `None` Reference composition to normalise to. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with ratio appended. See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.add_MgNo` """ return transform.get_ratio( self._obj, ratio, alias, norm_to=norm_to, molecular=molecular )
[docs] def add_ratio(self, ratio: str, alias: str = None, norm_to=None, molecular=False): """ Add a ratio of components A and B, given in the form of string 'A/B'. Returned series be assigned an alias name. Parameters ----------- ratio : :class:`str` String decription of ratio in the form A/B[_n]. alias : :class:`str` Alternate name for ratio to be used as column name. norm_to : :class:`str` | :class:`pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition`, `None` Reference composition to normalise to. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with ratio appended. See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.add_MgNo` """ r = self.get_ratio(ratio, alias, norm_to=norm_to, molecular=molecular) self._obj[] = r return self._obj
[docs] def add_MgNo( self, molecular=False, use_total_approx=False, approx_Fe203_frac=0.1, name="Mg#" ): """ Append the magnesium number to a dataframe. Parameters ---------- molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the input data is molecular. use_total_approx : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to use an approximate calculation using total iron rather than just FeO. approx_Fe203_frac : :class:`float` Fraction of iron which is oxidised, used in approximation mentioned above. name : :class:`str` Name to use for the Mg Number column. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with ratio appended. See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.add_ratio` """ transform.add_MgNo( self._obj, molecular=molecular, use_total_approx=use_total_approx, approx_Fe203_frac=approx_Fe203_frac, name=name, ) return self._obj
[docs] def lambda_lnREE( self, norm_to="ChondriteREE_ON", exclude=["Pm", "Eu"], params=None, degree=4, scale="ppm", sigmas=None, **kwargs, ): r""" Calculates orthogonal polynomial coefficients (lambdas) for a given set of REE data, normalised to a specific composition [#localref_1]_. Lambda factors are given for the radii vs. ln(REE/NORM) polynomial combination. Parameters ---------- norm_to : :class:`str` | :class:`~pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Which reservoir to normalise REE data to (defaults to :code:`"ChondriteREE_ON"`). exclude : :class:`list`, :code:`["Pm", "Eu"]` Which REE elements to exclude from the *fit*. May wish to include Ce for minerals in which Ce anomalies are common. params : :class:`list` | :class:`str`, :code:`None` Pre-computed parameters for the orthogonal polynomials (a list of tuples). Optionally specified, otherwise defaults the parameterisation as in O'Neill (2016). If a string is supplied, :code:`"O'Neill (2016)"` or similar will give the original defaults, while :code:`"full"` will use all of the REE (including Eu) as a basis for the orthogonal polynomials. degree : :class:`int`, 4 Maximum degree polynomial fit component to include. scale : :class:`str` Current units for the REE data, used to scale the reference dataset. sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`pandas.Series` Value or 1D array of fractional REE uncertaintes (i.e. :math:`\sigma_{REE}/REE`). References ---------- .. [#localref_1] O’Neill HSC (2016) The Smoothness and Shapes of Chondrite-normalized Rare Earth Element Patterns in Basalts. J Petrology 57:1463–1508. doi: `10.1093/petrology/egw047 <>`__ See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.ind.get_ionic_radii` :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.calc_lambdas` :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.orthogonal_polynomial_constants` :func:`~pyrolite.plot.REE_radii_plot` """ return transform.lambda_lnREE( self._obj, norm_to=norm_to, exclude=exclude, params=params, degree=degree, scale=scale, sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs, )
[docs] def convert_chemistry(self, to=[], logdata=False, renorm=False, molecular=False): """ Attempts to convert a dataframe with one set of components to another. Parameters ---------- to : :class:`list` Set of columns to try to extract from the dataframe. Can also include a dictionary for iron speciation. See :func:`pyrolite.geochem.recalculate_Fe`. logdata : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether chemical data has been log transformed. Necessary for aggregation functions. renorm : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether to renormalise the data after transformation. molecular : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Flag that data is in molecular units, rather than weight units. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with converted chemistry. Todo ---- * Check for conflicts between oxides and elements * Aggregator for ratios * Implement generalised redox transformation. * Add check for dicitonary components (e.g. Fe) in tests """ return transform.convert_chemistry( self._obj, to=to, logdata=logdata, renorm=renorm, molecular=molecular ) # can't update the source nicely here, need to assign output
# pyrolite.geochem.norm functions
[docs] def normalize_to(self, reference=None, units=None, convert_first=False): """ Normalise a dataframe to a given reference composition. Parameters ---------- reference : :class:`str` | :class:`~pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Reference composition to normalise to. units : :class:`str` Units of the input dataframe, to convert the reference composition. convert_first : :class:`bool` Whether to first convert the referenece compostion before normalisation. This is useful where elements are presented as different components (e.g. Ti, TiO2). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with normalised chemistry. Notes ----- This assumes that dataframes have a single set of units. """ if isinstance(reference, (str, norm.Composition)): if not isinstance(reference, norm.Composition): N = norm.get_reference_composition(reference) else: N = reference if units is not None: N.set_units(units) if convert_first: N.comp = transform.convert_chemistry(N.comp, self.list_compositional) norm_abund = N[self.list_compositional] else: # list, iterable, pd.Index etc norm_abund = np.array(reference) assert len(norm_abund) == len(self.list_compositional) # this list should have the same ordering as the input dataframe return self._obj[self.list_compositional].div(norm_abund)
[docs] def denormalize_from(self, reference=None, units=None): """ De-normalise a dataframe from a given reference composition. Parameters ---------- reference : :class:`str` | :class:`~pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Reference composition which the composition is normalised to. units : :class:`str` Units of the input dataframe, to convert the reference composition. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with normalised chemistry. Notes ----- This assumes that dataframes have a single set of units. """ if isinstance(reference, (str, norm.Composition)): if not isinstance(reference, norm.Composition): N = norm.get_reference_composition(reference) else: N = reference if units is not None: N.set_units(units) N.comp = transform.convert_chemistry(N.comp, self.list_compositional) norm_abund = N[self.list_compositional] else: # list, iterable, pd.Index etc norm_abund = np.array(reference) assert len(norm_abund) == len(self.list_compositional) return self._obj[self.list_compositional] * norm_abund
[docs] def scale(self, in_unit, target_unit="ppm"): """ Scale a dataframe from one set of units to another. Parameters ---------- in_unit : :class:`str` Units to be converted from target_unit : :class:`str`, :code:`"ppm"` Units to scale to. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with new scale. """ return self._obj * units.scale(in_unit, target_unit)
pyrochem.lambda_lnREE = update_docstring_references( pyrochem.lambda_lnREE, ref="localref" )