Source code for pyrolite.geochem.parse

Functions for parsing, formatting and validating chemical names and formulae.
import re

import pandas as pd

from ..util.log import Handle
from ..util.text import titlecase
from .ind import (

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def is_isotoperatio(s): """ Check if text is plausibly an isotope ratio. Parameters ----------- s : :class:`str` String to validate. Returns -------- :class:`bool` Todo ----- * Validate the isotope masses vs natural isotopes """ if s not in _common_oxides: isotopes = get_isotopes(s) return len(isotopes) == 2 else: return False
[docs]def repr_isotope_ratio(isotope_ratio): """ Format an isotope ratio pair as a string. Parameters ----------- isotope_ratio : :class:`tuple` Numerator, denominator pair. Returns -------- :class:`str` Todo ----- Consider returning additional text outside of the match (e.g. 87Sr/86Sri should include the 'i'). """ if not is_isotoperatio(isotope_ratio): return isotope_ratio else: if isinstance(isotope_ratio, str): isotope_ratio = get_isotopes(isotope_ratio) num, den = isotope_ratio isomatch = r"([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?)" elmatch = r"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?)" num_iso, num_el = re.findall(isomatch, num)[0], re.findall(elmatch, num)[0] den_iso, den_el = re.findall(isomatch, den)[0], re.findall(elmatch, den)[0] return "{}{}/{}{}".format(num_iso, titlecase(num_el), den_iso, titlecase(den_el))
[docs]def ischem(s): """ Checks if a string corresponds to chemical component (compositional). Here simply checking whether it is a common element or oxide. Parameters ---------- s : :class:`str` String to validate. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Todo ----- * Implement checking for other compounds, e.g. carbonates. """ chems = set(map(str.upper, (_common_elements | _common_oxides))) if isinstance(s, list): return [str(st).upper() in chems for st in s] else: return str(s).upper() in chems
[docs]def tochem(strings: list, abbrv=["ID", "IGSN"], split_on=r"[\s_]+"): r""" Converts a list of strings containing come chemical compounds to appropriate case. Parameters ---------- strings : :class:`list` Strings to convert to 'chemical case'. abbr : :class:`list`, :code:`["ID", "IGSN"]` Abbreivated phrases to ignore in capitalisation. split_on : :class:`str`, "[\s_]+" Regex for character or phrases to split the strings on. Returns ------- :class:`list` | :class:`str` """ # listify single string passed listified = False if not isinstance(strings, (list, pd.core.indexes.base.Index)): strings = [strings] listified = True # translate elements and oxides # elements second, Co guaranteed to override CO for python 3.6 + chems = _common_oxides | _common_elements trans = {str(e).upper(): str(e) for e in chems} strings = [trans[str(h).upper()] if str(h).upper() in trans else h for h in strings] # translate potential isotope ratios strings = [h if (h in chems) else repr_isotope_ratio(h) for h in strings] if listified: strings = strings[0] return strings
[docs]def check_multiple_cation_inclusion(df, exclude=["LOI", "FeOT", "Fe2O3T"]): """ Returns cations which are present in both oxide and elemental form. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to check duplication within. exclude : :class:`list`, :code:`["LOI", "FeOT", "Fe2O3T"]` List of components to exclude from the duplication check. Returns ------- :class:`set` Set of elements for which multiple components exist in the dataframe. Todo ----- * Options for output (string/formula). """ major_components = [i for i in _common_oxides if i in df.columns] elements_as_majors = [ get_cations(oxide)[0] for oxide in major_components if not oxide in exclude ] elements_as_traces = [ c for c in common_elements(output="formula") if str(c) in df.columns ] return set([el for el in elements_as_majors if el in elements_as_traces])