Source code for pyrolite.geochem.magma

Submodule for calculating and modelling melt chemistry. Includes common
functions for predicting and accounting for melt evolution.
import numpy as np
import periodictable as pt

from ..util.log import Handle
from ..util.meta import update_docstring_references
from ..util.units import scale
from .ind import _common_elements, _common_oxides
from .transform import to_molecular

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]@update_docstring_references def FeAt8MgO(FeOT: float, MgO: float) -> float: """ To account for differences in the slopes and curvature of liquid lines of descent as a function of parental magma composition [#ref_1]_ [#ref_2]_ (after [#ref_3]_). Parameters ------------- FeOT : :class:`float` Iron oxide content. MgO : :class:`float` Magnesium oxide content. References ----------- .. [#ref_1] Castillo PR, Klein E, Bender J, et al (2000). Petrology and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalt glasses from the 11°45’N to 15°00’N segment of the East Pacific Rise. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 1:1. doi: `10.1029/1999GC000024 <>`__ .. [#ref_2] Klein EM, Langmuir CH (1987). Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with axial depth and crustal thickness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92:8089–8115. doi: `10.1029/JB092iB08p08089 <>`__ .. [#ref_3] Langmuir CH, Bender JF (1984). The geochemistry of oceanic basalts in the vicinity of transform faults: Observations and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 69:107–127. doi: `10.1016/0012-821X(84)90077-3 <>`__ """ Fe8 = 1.825 - 1.529 * (FeOT - 0.03261 * MgO**2 + 0.2619) / ( MgO - 0.04467 * MgO**2 - 6.67 ) return Fe8
[docs]@update_docstring_references def NaAt8MgO(Na2O: float, MgO: float) -> float: """ To account for differences in the slopes and curvature of liquid lines of descent as a function of parental magma composition [#ref_1]_ [#ref_2]_ (after [#ref_3]_). Parameters ------------- Na2O : :class:`float` Iron oxide content. MgO : :class:`float` Magnesium oxide content. References ----------- .. [#ref_1] Castillo PR, Klein E, Bender J, et al (2000). Petrology and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalt glasses from the 11°45’N to 15°00’N segment of the East Pacific Rise. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 1:1. doi: `10.1029/1999GC000024 <>`__ .. [#ref_2] Klein EM, Langmuir CH (1987). Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with axial depth and crustal thickness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92:8089–8115. doi: `10.1029/JB092iB08p08089 <>`__ .. [#ref_3] Langmuir CH, Bender JF (1984). The geochemistry of oceanic basalts in the vicinity of transform faults: Observations and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 69:107–127. doi: `10.1016/0012-821X(84)90077-3 <>`__ """ Na8 = 0.6074 - 3.523 * (Na2O + 0.00529 * MgO**2 - 0.9495) / ( MgO - 0.05297 * MgO**2 - 8.133 ) return Na8
[docs]@update_docstring_references def SCSS(df, T, P, kelvin=False, grid=None, outunit="wt%"): r""" Obtain the sulfur content at sulfate and sulfide saturation [#ref_1]_ [#ref_2]_. Parameters ------------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe of compositions. T : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Temperature P : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` Pressure (kbar) kelvin : :class:`bool` Whether temperature values are in kelvin (:code:`True`) or celsuis (:code:`False`) grid : :code:`None`, :code:`'geotherm'`, :code:`'grid'` Whether to consider temperature and pressure as a geotherm (:code:`geotherm`), or independently (as a grid, :code:`grid`). Returns ------- sulfate, sulfide : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` Arrays of mass fraction sulfate and sulfide abundances at saturation. Notes ------ For anhydrite-saturated systems, the sulfur content at sulfate saturation is given by the following: .. math:: \begin{align} ln(X_S) = &10.07 - 1.151 \cdot (10^4 / T_K) + 0.104 \cdot P_{kbar}\\ &- 7.1 \cdot X_{SiO_2} - 14.02 \cdot X_{MgO} - 14.164 \cdot X_{Al_2O_3}\\ \end{align} For sulfide-liquid saturated systems, the sulfur content at sulfide saturation is given by the following: .. math:: \begin{align} ln(X_S) = &{-1.76} - 0.474 \cdot (10^4 / T_K) + 0.021 \cdot P_{kbar}\\ &+ 5.559 \cdot X_{FeO} + 2.565 \cdot X_{TiO_2} + 2.709 \cdot X_{CaO}\\ &- 3.192 \cdot X_{SiO_2} - 3.049 \cdot X_{H_2O}\\ \end{align} References ----------- .. [#ref_1] Li, C., and Ripley, E.M. (2009). Sulfur Contents at Sulfide-Liquid or Anhydrite Saturation in Silicate Melts: Empirical Equations and Example Applications. Economic Geology 104, 405–412. doi: `gsecongeo.104.3.405 <>`__ .. [#ref_2] Smythe, D.J., Wood, B.J., and Kiseeva, E.S. (2017). The S content of silicate melts at sulfide saturation: New experiments and a model incorporating the effects of sulfide composition. American Mineralogist 102, 795–803. doi: `10.2138/am-2017-5800CCBY <>`__ Todo ----- * Produce an updated version based on log-regressions? * Add updates from Smythe et al. (2017)? """ T, P = np.array(T, dtype="float"), np.array(P, dtype="float") if not kelvin: T = T + 273.15 C = np.ones(df.index.size) assert grid in [None, "geotherm", "grid"] if grid == "grid": cc, tt, pp = np.meshgrid(C, T, P, indexing="ij") elif grid == "geotherm": assert T.shape == P.shape cc = C[:, np.newaxis] tt = T[np.newaxis, :] pp = P[np.newaxis, :] elif grid is None: _dims = C.size, T.size, P.size maxdim = max(_dims) assert all([x == maxdim or x == 1 for x in _dims]) cc, tt, pp = C, T, P comp = list(set(df.columns) & (_common_elements | _common_oxides)) moldf = to_molecular(df.loc[:, comp], renorm=True) / 100.0 # mole-fraction molsum = to_molecular(df.loc[:, comp], renorm=False).sum(axis=1) def gridify(ser): """ Create a parameter grid from a pandas series to facilitate array-addition of each component. """ arr = ser.replace(np.nan, 0).values if grid == "grid": return arr[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] elif grid == "geotherm": return arr[:, np.newaxis] elif grid is None: return arr ln_sulfate = 10.07 * cc - 1.151 * 10**4 / tt + 0.104 * pp for chem, D in [("SiO2", -7.1), ("MgO", -14.02), ("Al2O3", -14.164)]: if chem in moldf.columns: ln_sulfate += gridify(moldf[chem]) * D * cc ln_sulfide = -1.76 * cc - 0.474 * 10**4 / tt + 0.021 * pp for chem, D in [ ("FeO", 5.559), ("TiO2", 2.565), ("CaO", 2.709), ("SiO2", -3.192), ("H2O", -3.049), ]: if chem in moldf.columns: ln_sulfide += gridify(moldf[chem]) * D * cc sulfate, sulfide = np.exp(ln_sulfate), np.exp(ln_sulfide) _s = gridify(molsum * pt.S.mass) * scale("wt%", outunit) _so4 = gridify(molsum * pt.formula("SO4").mass) * scale("wt%", outunit) sulfide *= _s sulfate *= _so4 if sulfate.size == 1: # 0D return sulfate.flatten()[0], sulfide.flatten()[0] else: # 2D return sulfate, sulfide