
This module is a work in progress and will be gradually updated.


class pyrolite.mineral.template.MineralTemplate(name, *components)[source]

Set the structure of the mineral template.


components – Argument list consisting of each of the structural components. Can consist of any mixture of Sites or argument tuples which can be passed to Site __init__.

class pyrolite.mineral.template.Mineral(name=None, template=None, composition=None, endmembers=None)[source]

Set the endmbmer components for a mineral.

add_endmember(em, name=None)[source]

Add a single endmember to the database.

set_template(template, name=None)[source]

Assign a mineral template to the mineral.


Parse and assign a composition to the mineral.


composition – Composition to assign to the mineral. Can be provided in any form which is digestable by parse_composition.

recalculate_cations(composition=None, ideal_cations=None, ideal_oxygens=None, Fe_species=['FeO', 'Fe', 'Fe2O3'], oxygen_constrained=False)[source]

Recalculate a composition to give an elemental ionic breakdown.

  • composition – Composition to recalculate. If not provided, will try to use the mineral composition as set.

  • ideal_cations (int) – Ideal number of cations to use for formulae calcuations. Will only be used if oxygen is constrained (i.e. multiple Fe species present or oxygen_constrained=True).

  • ideal_oxygens (int) – Ideal number of oxygens to use for formulae calcuations. Will only be used if oxygen is not constrained (i.e. single Fe species present and oxygen_constrained=False).

  • Fe_species (list) – List of iron species for identifying redox-defined compositions.

  • oxygen_constrained (bool, False) – Whether the oxygen is a closed or open system for the specific composition.


Get the atoms per formula unit.


Decompose a mineral composition into endmember components.


det_lim (float) – Detection limit for individual


Currently implmented using optimization based on mass fractions.


Implement site-based endmember decomposition, which will enable more checks and balances.

calculate_occupancy(composition=None, error=1e-05, balances=[['Fe{2+}', 'Mg{2+}']])[source]

Calculate the estimated site occupancy for a given composition. Ions will be assigned to sites according to affinities. Sites with equal affinities should recieve equal assignment.

  • composition – Composition to calculate site occupancy for.

  • error (float) – Absolute error for floating point occupancy calculations.

  • balances (list) – List of iterables containing ions to balance across multiple sites. Note that the partitioning will occur after non-balanced cations are assigned, and that ions are only balanced between sites which have defined affinities for all of the particular ions defined in the ‘balance’.


Get the site occupancy for the mineral.


pyrolite.mineral.normative.unmix(comp, parts, order=1, det_lim=0.0001)[source]

From a composition and endmember components, find a set of weights which best approximate the composition as a weighted sum of components.

  • comp (numpy.ndarray) – Array of compositions (shape \(n_S, n_C\)).

  • parts (numpy.ndarray) – Array of endmembers (shape \(n_E, n_C\)).

  • order (int) – Order of regularization, defaults to L1 for sparsity.

  • det_lim (float) – Detection limit, below which minor components will be omitted for sparsity.


Array of endmember modal abundances (shape \(n_S, n_E\))

Return type


pyrolite.mineral.normative.endmember_decompose(composition, endmembers=[], drop_zeros=True, molecular=True, order=1, det_lim=0.0001)[source]

Decompose a given mineral composition to given endmembers.

  • composition (DataFrame | Series | Formula | str) – Composition to decompose into endmember components.

  • endmembers (str | list | dict) – List of endmembers to use for the decomposition.

  • drop_zeros (bool, True) – Whether to omit components with zero estimated abundance.

  • molecular (bool, True) – Whether to convert the chemistry to molecular before calculating the decomposition.

  • order (int) – Order of regularization passed to unmix(), defaults to L1 for sparsity.

  • det_lim (float) – Detection limit, below which minor components will be omitted for sparsity.

Return type



Apply a TAS classification to a dataframe, and get estimated Fe2O3/FeO ratios from Middlemost (1989).


df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe to get Fe2O3/FeO ratios for, containing the required oxides to calculate TAS diagrams from (i.e. SiO2, Na2O, K2O).


ratios – Series of estimated Fe2O3/FeO ratios, based on TAS classification.

Return type



Middlemost, Eric A. K. (1989). Iron Oxidation Ratios, Norms and the Classification of Volcanic Rocks. Chemical Geology 77, 1: 19–26.

pyrolite.mineral.normative.LeMaitreOxRatio(df, mode=None)[source]
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing compositions to calibrate against.

  • mode (str) – Mode for the correction - ‘volcanic’ or ‘plutonic’.


Series with oxidation ratios.

Return type



This is a \(\mathrm{FeO / (FeO + Fe_2O_3)}\) mass ratio, not a standard molar ratio \(\mathrm{Fe^{2+}/(Fe^{2+} + Fe^{3+})}\) which is more straightfowardly used; data presented should be in mass units. For the calculation, SiO2, Na2O and K2O are expected to be present.


Le Maitre, R. W (1976). Some Problems of the Projection of Chemical Data into Mineralogical Classifications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 56, no. 2 (1 January 1976): 181–89.


df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing compositions to calibrate against.


Series with two corrected iron components (\(\mathrm{FeO, Fe_2O_3}\)).

Return type



Middlemost, Eric A. K. (1989). Iron Oxidation Ratios, Norms and the Classification of Volcanic Rocks. Chemical Geology 77, 1: 19–26.

pyrolite.mineral.normative.LeMaitre_Fe_correction(df, mode='volcanic')[source]
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing compositions to correct iron for.

  • mode (str) – Mode for the correction - ‘volcanic’ or ‘plutonic’.


Series with two corrected iron components (\(\mathrm{FeO, Fe_2O_3}\)).

Return type



Le Maitre, R. W (1976). Some Problems of the Projection of Chemical Data into Mineralogical Classifications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 56, no. 2 (1 January 1976): 181–89.

Middlemost, Eric A. K. (1989). Iron Oxidation Ratios, Norms and the Classification of Volcanic Rocks. Chemical Geology 77, 1: 19–26.

pyrolite.mineral.normative.CIPW_norm(df, Fe_correction=None, Fe_correction_mode=None, adjust_all_Fe=False, return_adjusted_input=False, return_free_components=False, rounding=3)[source]

Standardised calcuation of estimated mineralogy from bulk rock chemistry. Takes a dataframe of chemistry & creates a dataframe of estimated mineralogy. This is the CIPW norm of Verma et al. (2003). This version only uses major elements.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing compositions to transform.

  • Fe_correction (str) – Iron correction to apply, if any. Will default to ‘LeMaitre’.

  • Fe_correction_mode (str) – Mode for the iron correction, where applicable.

  • adjust_all_Fe (bool) – Where correcting iron compositions, whether to adjust all iron compositions, or only those where singular components are specified.

  • return_adjusted_input (bool) – Whether to return the adjusted input chemistry with the output.

  • return_free_components (bool) – Whether to return the free components in the output.

  • rounding (int) – Rounding to be applied to input and output data.

Return type



Verma, Surendra P., Ignacio S. Torres-Alvarado, and Fernando Velasco-Tapia (2003). A Revised CIPW Norm. Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology 83, 2: 197–216. Verma, S. P., & Rivera-Gomez, M. A. (2013). Computer Programs for the Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks. Episodes, 36(2), 115–124.


  • Note whether data needs to be normalised to 1 or 100?


The function expect oxide components to be in wt% and elemental data to be in ppm.


pyrolite.mineral.transform.formula_to_elemental(formula, weight=True)[source]

Convert a periodictable.formulas.Formula to elemental composition.


Combine multiple formulae into one. Particularly useful for defining oxide mineral formulae.


formulas (iterable) – Iterable of multiple formulae to merge into a single larger molecular formulae.

pyrolite.mineral.transform.recalc_cations(df, ideal_cations=4, ideal_oxygens=6, Fe_species=['FeO', 'Fe', 'Fe2O3'], oxygen_constrained=False)[source]

Recalculate a composition to a.p.f.u.


class pyrolite.mineral.sites.Site(name=None, coordination=0, affinities={}, mode='cation')[source]
class pyrolite.mineral.sites.MX(name='M', coordination=8, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Octahedrally coordinated M site.

class pyrolite.mineral.sites.TX(name='T', coordination=4, affinities={'Al{3+}': 1, 'Fe{3+}': 2, 'Si{4+}': 0}, *args, mode='cation', **kwargs)[source]

Tetrahedrally coordinated T site.

class pyrolite.mineral.sites.IX(name='I', coordination=12, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Dodecahedrally coordinated I site.

class pyrolite.mineral.sites.VX(name='V', coordination=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Vacancy site.

class pyrolite.mineral.sites.OX(name='O', coordination=0, affinities={'O{2-}': 0}, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Oxygen site.

class pyrolite.mineral.sites.AX(name='A', coordination=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Anion site.


Submodule for calcuating relative ion paritioning based on the lattice strain model 1 2 3.


  • Bulk modulus and Youngs modulus approximations 3 4 5.



Brice, J.C., 1975. Some thermodynamic aspects of the growth of strained crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 28, 249–253. doi: 10.1016/0022-0248(75)90241-9


Blundy, J., Wood, B., 1994. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452. doi: 10.1038/372452a0


Wood, B.J., Blundy, J.D., 2014. Trace Element Partitioning: The Influences of Ionic Radius, Cation Charge, Pressure, and Temperature. Treatise on Geochemistry (Second Edition) 3, 421–448. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-095975-7.00209-6


Anderson, D.L., Anderson, O.L., 1970. Brief report: The bulk modulus-volume relationship for oxides. Journal of Geophysical Research (1896-1977) 75, 3494–3500. doi: 10.1029/JB075i017p03494


Hazen, R.M., Finger, L.W., 1979. Bulk modulus—volume relationship for cation-anion polyhedra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 84, 6723–6728. doi: 10.1029/JB084iB12p06723

pyrolite.mineral.lattice.strain_coefficient(ri, rx, r0=None, E=None, T=298.15, z=None, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the lattice strain associated with an ionic substitution 6 7.

  • ri (float) – Ionic radius to calculate strain relative to, in angstroms (Å).

  • rj (float) – Ionic radius to calculate strain for, in angstroms (Å).

  • r0 (float, None) – Fictive ideal ionic radii for the site. The value for ri will be used in its place if none is given, and a warning issued.

  • E (float, None) – Young’s modulus (stiffness) for the site, in pascals (Pa). Will be estimated using youngs_modulus_approximation() if none is given.

  • T (float) – Temperature, in Kelvin (K).

  • z (int) – Optional specification of cationic valence, for calcuation of approximate Young’s modulus using youngs_modulus_approximation(), where the modulus is not specified.


The strain coefficent \(e^{\frac{-\Delta G_{strain}}{RT}}\).

Return type



The lattice strain model relates changes in paritioning to differences in ionic radii for ions of a given cationic charge, and for a for a specific site (with Young’s modulus \(E\)). This is calcuated using the work done to expand a spherical shell centred on the lattice site, which alters the \(\Delta G\) for the formation of the mineral. This can be related to changes in partition coefficients using the following 7:

\[D_{j^{n+}} = D_{A^{n+}} \cdot e^{\frac{-4\pi E N \Big(\frac{r_{0}}{2}(r_j - r_0)^2 + \frac{1}{3}(r_j - r_0)^3\Big)}{RT}}\]

Where \(D_{A^{n+}}\) is the partition coefficient for the ideal ion A, and N is Avagadro’s number (6.023e23 atoms/mol). This can also be calcuated relative to an ‘ideal’ fictive ion which has a maximum \(D\) where this data are available. This relationship arises via i) the integration to calcuate the strain energy mentioned above (\(4\pi E (\frac{r_{0}}{2}(r_j - r_0)^2 + \frac{1}{3}(r_j - r_0)^3)\)), and ii) the assumption that the changes in \(\Delta G\) occur only to size differences, and the difference is additive. The ‘segregation coefficient’ \(K_j\) can be expressed relative to the non-doped equilibirum constant \(K_0\) 6:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} K_j &= e^{\frac{-\Delta G_0 -\Delta G_{strain}}{RT}}\\ &= e^{\frac{-\Delta G_0}{RT}} \cdot e^{\frac{-\Delta G_{strain}}{RT}}\\ &= K_0 \cdot e^{\frac{-\Delta G_{strain}}{RT}}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

The model assumes that the crystal is elastically isotropic.



Brice, J.C., 1975. Some thermodynamic aspects of the growth of strained crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 28, 249–253. doi: 10.1016/0022-0248(75)90241-9


Blundy, J., Wood, B., 1994. Prediction of crystal–melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452. doi: 10.1038/372452a0

pyrolite.mineral.lattice.youngs_modulus_approximation(z, r)[source]

Young’s modulus approximation for cationic sites in silicates and oxides 8 9 10.

  • z (integer) – Cationic valence.

  • r (float) – Ionic radius of the cation (Å).


E – Young’s modulus for the cationic site, in Pascals (Pa)

Return type



The bulk modulus \(K\) for an an ionic crystal is esimated using 8:

\[K = \frac{A Z_a Z_c e^2 (n-1)}{9 d_0 V_0}\]

Where \(A\) is the Madelung constant, \(Z_c\) and \(Z_a\) are the anion and cation valences, \(e\) is the charge on the electron, \(n\) is the Born power law coefficent, and \(d_0\) is the cation-anion distance 8. Using the Shannon ionic radius for oxygen (1.38 Å), this is approximated for cations coordinated by oxygen in silicates and oxides using the following relationship 9:

\[K = 750 Z_c d^{-3}\]

Where \(d\) is the cation-anion distance (Å), \(Z_c\) is the cationic valence (and \(K\) is in GPa). The Young’s modulus \(E\) is then calculated through the relationship 10:

\[E = 3 K (1 - 2 \sigma)\]

Where \(\sigma\) is Poisson’s ratio, which in the case of minerals can be approimxated by 0.25 10, and hence:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} E &\approx 1.5 K\\ E &\approx 1025 Z_c d^{-3} \end{align}\end{split}\]


  • Add links to docstring



Anderson, D.L., Anderson, O.L., 1970. Brief report: The bulk modulus-volume relationship for oxides. Journal of Geophysical Research (1896-1977) 75, 3494–3500. doi: 10.1029/JB075i017p03494


Hazen, R.M., Finger, L.W., 1979. Bulk modulus—volume relationship for cation-anion polyhedra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 84, 6723–6728. doi: 10.1029/JB084iB12p06723


Wood, B.J., Blundy, J.D., 2014. Trace Element Partitioning: The Influences of Ionic Radius, Cation Charge, Pressure, and Temperature. Treatise on Geochemistry (Second Edition) 3, 421–448. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-095975-7.00209-6


Submodule for accessing the rock forming mineral database.


Accessing and modifying the database across multiple with multiple threads/processes could result in database corruption (e.g. through repeated truncation etc).


List the mineral groups present in the mineral database.

Return type



List the minerals present in the mineral database.

Return type



List the mineral formulae present in the mineral database.

Return type


pyrolite.mineral.mindb.get_mineral(name='', dbpath=None)[source]

Get a specific mineral from the database.

  • name (str) – Name of the desired mineral.

  • dbpath (pathlib.Path, str) – Optional overriding of the default database path.

Return type


pyrolite.mineral.mindb.parse_composition(composition, drop_zeros=True)[source]

Parse a composition reference to provide an ionic elemental version in the form of a Series. Currently accepts pandas.Series, periodictable.formulas.Formula and structures which will directly convert to pandas.Series (list of tuples, dict).


mineral – Composition formatted as a series.

Return type



Extract a mineral group from the database.


group (str) – Group to extract from the mineral database.


Dataframe of group members and compositions.

Return type


pyrolite.mineral.mindb.update_database(path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Update the mineral composition database.


path (str | pathlib.Path) – The desired filepath for the JSON database.


This will take the ‘mins.csv’ file from the mineral pyrolite data folder and construct a document-based JSON database.