Source code for pyrolite.util.plot.export

Functions for export of figures and figure elements from matplolib.

import os
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.path
import matplotlib.transforms
import numpy as np

from ..log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def save_figure(figure, name="fig", save_at="", save_fmts=["png"], **kwargs): """ Save a figure at a specified location in a number of formats. """ default_config = dict(bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) config = default_config.copy() config.update(kwargs) save_at = Path(save_at) if not save_at.exists(): logger.debug("Creating save directory at {}".format(save_at)) save_at.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for fmt in save_fmts: out_filename = (save_at / name).with_suffix("." + fmt) logger.debug("Saving {}".format(out_filename)) figure.savefig(out_filename, format=fmt, **config)
[docs]def save_axes(ax, name="fig", save_at="", save_fmts=["png"], pad=0.0, **kwargs): """ Save either a single or multiple axes (from a single figure) based on their extent. Uses the save_figure procedure to save at a specific location using a number of formats. Todo ----- * Add legend to items """ # Check if axes is a single axis or list of axes if isinstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes): extent = get_full_extent(ax, pad=pad) figure = ax.figure else: extent_items = [] for a in ax: extent_items.append(get_full_extent(a, pad=pad)) figure = ax[0].figure extent = matplotlib.transforms.Bbox.union([item for item in extent_items]) save_figure( figure, bbox_inches=extent, save_at=save_at, name=name, save_fmts=save_fmts, **kwargs, )
[docs]def get_full_extent(ax, pad=0.0): """ Get the full extent of an axes, including axes labels, tick labels, and titles. Text objects are first drawn to define the extents. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes of which to check items to get full extent. pad : :class:`float` | :class:`tuple` Amount of padding to add to the full extent prior to returning. If a tuple is passed, the padding will be as above, but for x and y directions, respectively. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` Bbox of the axes with optional additional padding. """ fig = ax.figure fig.canvas.draw() renderer = fig.canvas.renderer items = [ax] if len(ax.get_title()): items += [ax.title] for a in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]: if len(a.get_label_text()): items += [a.label] for t_lb in [ax.get_xticklabels(), ax.get_yticklabels()]: if np.array([len(i.get_text()) > 0 for i in t_lb]).any(): items += t_lb bbox = matplotlib.transforms.Bbox.union( [item.get_window_extent(renderer) for item in items] ) if isinstance(pad, (float, int)): full_extent = bbox.expanded(1.0 + pad, 1.0 + pad) elif isinstance(pad, (list, tuple)): full_extent = bbox.expanded(1.0 + pad[0], 1.0 + pad[1]) else: raise NotImplementedError return full_extent.transformed(ax.figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
[docs]def path_to_csv(path, xname="x", yname="y", delim=",", linesep=os.linesep): """ Extract the verticies from a path and write them to csv. Parameters ------------ path : :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` | :class:`tuple` Path or x-y tuple to use for coordinates. xname : :class:`str` Name of the x variable. yname : :class:`str` Name of the y variable. delim : :class:`str` Delimiter for the csv file. linesep : :class:`str` Line separator character. Returns ------- :class:`str` String-representation of csv file, ready to be written to disk. """ if isinstance(path, matplotlib.path.Path): x, y = path.vertices.T else: # isinstance(path, (tuple, list)) x, y = path header = [xname, yname] datalines = [[x, y] for (x, y) in zip(x, y)] content = linesep.join( [delim.join(map(str, line)) for line in [header] + datalines] ) return content