Source code for pyrolite.util.plot.density

Functions for dealing with kernel density estimation.

USE_PCOLOR : :class:`bool`
    Option to use the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor` function in place
    of :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError

from ..distributions import sample_kde
from ..log import Handle
from ..math import interpolate_line, linspc_, logspc_
from ..meta import subkwargs
from .grid import bin_centres_to_edges

logger = Handle(__name__)

    import statsmodels.api as sm

    HAVE_SM = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_SM = False


[docs]def get_axis_density_methods(ax): """ Get the relevant density and contouring methods for a given axis. Parameters ----------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` | :class:`mpltern.ternary.TernaryAxes` Axis to check. Returns -------- pcolor, contour, contourf Relevant functions for this axis. """ if == "ternary": pcolor = ax.tripcolor contour = ax.tricontour contourf = ax.tricontourf else: if USE_PCOLOR: pcolor = ax.pcolor else: pcolor = ax.pcolormesh contour = ax.contour contourf = ax.contourf return pcolor, contour, contourf
[docs]def percentile_contour_values_from_meshz( z, percentiles=[0.95, 0.66, 0.33], resolution=1000 ): """ Integrate a probability density distribution Z(X,Y) to obtain contours in Z which correspond to specified percentile contours. Contour values will be returned with the same order as the inputs. Parameters ---------- z : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Probability density function over x, y. percentiles : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Percentile values for which to create contours. resolution : :class:`int` Number of bins for thresholds between 0. and max(Z) Returns ------- labels : :class:`list` Labels for contours (percentiles, if above minimum z value). contours : :class:`list` Contour height values. Todo ----- This may error for a list of percentiles where one or more requested values are below the miniumum threshold. The exception handling should be updated to cater for arrays - where some of the values may be above the minimum. """ # Integral approach from t = np.linspace(0.0, z.max(), resolution) integral = ((z >= t[:, None, None]) * z).sum(axis=(1, 2)) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(integral, t) try: t_contours = f(np.array(percentiles) * z.sum()) return percentiles, t_contours except ValueError: # occurrs on the low-end of percentiles (high parts of distribution) # maximum positions of distributions are limited by the resolution # at some point there's a step down to zero logger.debug( "Percentile contour below minimum for given resolution" "Returning Minimium." ) non_one = integral[~np.isclose(integral, np.ones_like(integral))] return ["min"], f(np.array([np.nanmax(non_one)]))
[docs]def plot_Z_percentiles( *coords, zi=None, percentiles=[0.95, 0.66, 0.33], ax=None, extent=None, fontsize=8, cmap=None, colors=None, linewidths=None, linestyles=None, contour_labels=None, label_contours=True, **kwargs ): """ Plot percentile contours onto a 2D (scaled or unscaled) probability density distribution Z over X,Y. Parameters ------------ coords : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Arrays of (x, y) or (a, b, c) coordinates. z : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Probability density function over x, y. percentiles : :class:`list` Percentile values for which to create contours. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, :code:`None` Axes on which to plot. If none given, will create a new Axes instance. extent : :class:`list`, :code:`None` List or np.ndarray in the form [-x, +x, -y, +y] over which the image extends. fontsize : :class:`float` Fontsize for the contour labels. cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` Color map for the contours and contour labels. colors : :class:`str` | :class:`list` Colors for the contours, can optionally be specified *in place of* `cmap.` linewidths : :class:`str` | :class:`list` Widths of contour lines. linestyles : :class:`str` | :class:`list` Styles for contour lines. contour_labels : :class:`dict` | :class:`list` Labels to assign to contours, organised by level. label_contours :class:`bool` Whether to add text labels to individual contours. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` Plotted and formatted contour set. Notes ----- When the contours are percentile based, high percentile contours tend to get washed our with colormapping - consider adding different controls on coloring, especially where there are only one or two contours specified. One way to do this would be via the string based keyword argument `colors` for plt.contour, with an adaption for non-string colours which post-hoc modifies the contour lines based on the specified colours? """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(6, 6)) if extent is None: # if len(coords) == 2: # currently won't work for ternary extent = np.array([[np.min(c), np.max(c)] for c in coords[:2]]).flatten() clabels, contour_values = percentile_contour_values_from_meshz( zi, percentiles=percentiles ) pcolor, contour, contourf = get_axis_density_methods(ax) if colors is not None: # colors are explicitly specified cmap = None # contours will need to increase for matplotlib, so we check the ordering here. ordering = np.argsort(contour_values) # sort out multi-object properties - reorder to fit the increasing order requirement cntr_config = {} for p, v in [ ("colors", colors), ("linestyles", linestyles), ("linewidths", linewidths), ]: if v is not None: if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): # reorder the list cntr_config[p] = [v[ix] for ix in ordering] else: cntr_config[p] = v cs = contour( *coords, zi, levels=contour_values[ordering], # must increase cmap=cmap, **{**cntr_config, **kwargs} ) if label_contours: fs = kwargs.pop("fontsize", None) or 8 lbls = ax.clabel(cs, fontsize=fs, inline_spacing=0) z_contours = sorted(list(set([float(l.get_text()) for l in lbls]))) trans = { float(t): str(p) for t, p in zip(z_contours, sorted(percentiles, reverse=True)) } if contour_labels is None: _labels = [trans[float(l.get_text())] for l in lbls] else: if isinstance(contour_labels, dict): # get the labels from the dictionary provided contour_labels = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in contour_labels.items()} _labels = [contour_labels[trans[float(l.get_text())]] for l in lbls] else: # a list is specified in the same order as the contours are drawn _labels = contour_labels for l, t in zip(lbls, _labels): l.set_text(t) return cs
[docs]def conditional_prob_density( y, x=None, logy=False, resolution=5, bins=50, yextent=None, rescale=True, mode="binkde", ret_centres=False, **kwargs ): """ Estimate the conditional probability density of one dependent variable. Parameters ----------- y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Dependent variable for which to calculate conditional probability P(y | X=x) x : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :code:`None` Optionally-specified independent index. logy : :class:`bool` Whether to use a logarithmic bin spacing on the y axis. resolution : :class:`int` Points added per segment via interpolation along the x axis. bins : :class:`int` Bins for histograms and grids along the independent axis. yextent : :class:`tuple` Extent in the y direction. rescale : :class:`bool` Whether to rescale bins to give the same max Z across x. mode : :class:`str` Mode of computation. If mode is :code:`"ckde"`, use :func:`statsmodels.nonparametric.KDEMultivariateConditional` to compute a conditional kernel density estimate. If mode is :code:`"kde"`, use a normal gaussian kernel density estimate. If mode is :code:`"binkde"`, use a gaussian kernel density estimate over y for each bin. If mode is :code:`"hist"`, compute a histogram. ret_centres : :class:`bool` Whether to return bin centres in addtion to histogram edges, e.g. for later contouring. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` :code:`x` bin edges :code:`xe`, :code:`y` bin edges :code:`ye`, histogram/density estimates :code:`Z`. If :code:`ret_centres` is :code:`True`, the last two return values will contain the bin centres :code:`xi`, :code:`yi`. """ # check for shapes assert not ((x is None) and (y is None)) if y is None: # Swap the variables. Create an index for x y = x x = None nvar = y.shape[1] if x is None: # Create a simple arange-based index x = np.arange(nvar) if resolution: # this is where REE previously broke down x, y = interpolate_line(x, y, n=resolution, logy=logy) if not x.shape == y.shape: try: # x is an index to be tiled assert y.shape[1] == x.shape[0] x = np.tile(x, y.shape[0]).reshape(*y.shape) except AssertionError: # shape mismatch msg = "Mismatched shapes: x: {}, y: {}. Needs either ".format( x.shape, y.shape ) raise AssertionError(msg) xx = x[0] if yextent is None: ymin, ymax = np.nanmin(y), np.nanmax(y) else: ymin, ymax = np.nanmin(yextent), np.nanmax(yextent) # remove non finite values for kde functions ystep = [(ymax - ymin) / bins, (ymax / ymin) / bins][logy] yy = [linspc_, logspc_][logy](ymin, ymax, step=ystep, bins=bins) if logy: # make grid equally spaced, evaluate in log then transform back y, yy = np.log(y), np.log(yy) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) # bin centres may be off centre, but will be in the bins. xe, ye = np.meshgrid(bin_centres_to_edges(xx, sort=False), bin_centres_to_edges(yy)) kde_kw = subkwargs(kwargs, sample_kde) if mode == "ckde": fltr = np.isfinite(y.flatten()) & np.isfinite(x.flatten()) x, y = x.flatten()[fltr], y.flatten()[fltr] if HAVE_SM: dens_c = sm.nonparametric.KDEMultivariateConditional( endog=[y], exog=[x], dep_type="c", indep_type="c", bw="normal_reference" ) else: raise ImportError("Requires statsmodels.") # statsmodels pdf takes values in reverse order zi = dens_c.pdf(yi.flatten(), xi.flatten()).reshape(xi.shape) elif mode == "binkde": # calclate a kde per bin zi = np.zeros(xi.shape) for bin_index in range(x.shape[1]): # bins along the x-axis # if np.isfinite(y[:, bin_index]).any(): # bins can be empty src = y[:, bin_index] sample_at = yi[:, bin_index] zi[:, bin_index] = sample_kde(src, sample_at, **kde_kw) # else: # pass elif mode == "kde": # eqivalent to 2D KDE for scatter x,y * resolution xkde = sample_kde(x[0], x[0]) # marginal density along x src = np.vstack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()]).T sample_at = [xi, yi] # meshgrid logistics dealt with by sample_kde try: zi = sample_kde(src, sample_at, **kde_kw) except LinAlgError: # singular matrix, try adding miniscule noise on x? logger.warn("Singular Matrix") src[:, 0] += np.random.randn(*x.shape) * np.finfo(np.float64).eps zi = sample_kde(src, sample_at, **kde_kw) zi.reshape(xi.shape) zi /= xkde[np.newaxis, :] elif "hist" in mode.lower(): # simply compute the histogram # histogram monotonically increasing bins, requires logbins be transformed # calculate histogram in logy if needed bins = [bin_centres_to_edges(xx), bin_centres_to_edges(yy)] H, xe, ye = np.histogram2d(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), bins=bins) zi = H.T.reshape(xi.shape) else: raise NotImplementedError if rescale: # rescale bins across x xzfactors = np.nanmax(zi) / np.nanmax(zi, axis=0) zi *= xzfactors[np.newaxis, :] if logy: yi, ye = np.exp(yi), np.exp(ye) if ret_centres: return xe, ye, zi, xi, yi return xe, ye, zi