Source code for pyrolite.util.meta

import importlib
import inspect
import warnings
import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path

import numpydoc.docscrape

from .log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def get_module_datafolder(module="pyrolite", subfolder=None): """ Returns the path of a module data folder. Parameters ----------- subfolder : :class:`str` Subfolder within the module data folder. Returns ------- :class:`pathlib.Path` """ pth = Path(importlib.util.find_spec(module).origin).parent / "data" if subfolder: pth /= subfolder return pth
[docs]def pyrolite_datafolder(subfolder=None): """ Returns the path of the pyrolite data folder. Parameters ----------- subfolder : :class:`str` Subfolder within the pyrolite data folder. Returns ------- :class:`pathlib.Path` """ return get_module_datafolder(module="pyrolite", subfolder=subfolder)
[docs]def take_me_to_the_docs(): """Opens the pyrolite documentation in a webbrowser.""""")
[docs]def subkwargs(kwargs, *f): """ Get a subset of keyword arguments which are accepted by a function. Parameters ---------- kwargs : :class:`dict` Dictionary of keyword arguments. f : :class:`callable` Function(s) to check. Returns -------- :class:`dict` Dictionary containing only relevant keyword arguments. """ return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if inargs(k, *f)}
[docs]def inargs(name, *funcs): """ Check if an argument is a possible input for a specific function. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Argument name. f : :class:`callable` Function(s) to check. Returns -------- :class:`bool` """ args = [] for f in funcs: args += list(inspect.signature(f).parameters) return name in set(args)
[docs]def numpydoc_str_param_list(iterable, indent=4): """ Format a list of numpydoc parameters. Parameters ------------- iterable : :class:`list` List of numpydoc parameters. indent : :class:`int` Indent as number of spaces. Returns ------- :class:`str` """ out = [] for param in iterable: if param[1]: out += ["%s : %s" % (param[0], param[1])] else: out += [param[0]] if param[2] and "".join(param[2]).strip(): out += [indent * " " + i for i in param[2]] out += [""] return ("\n" + indent * " ").join(out)
[docs]def get_additional_params( *fs, t="Parameters", header="", indent=4, subsections=False, subsection_delim="Note" ): """ Checks the base Parameters section of docstrings to get 'Other Parameters' for a specific function. Designed to incorporate information on inherited or forwarded parameters. Parameters ------------- fs : :class:`list` List of functions. t : :class:`str` Target block of docstrings. header : :class:`str` Optional seciton header. indent : :class:`int` | :class:`str` Indent as number of spaces, or a string of a given length. subsections : :class:`bool`, `False` Whether to include headers specific for each function, creating subsections. subsection_delim : :class:`str` Subsection delimiter. Returns -------- :class:`str` Todo -------- * Add delimiters between functions to show where arguments should be passed. """ if isinstance(indent, str): indent = len(indent) if header: sectionheader = [header, "-" * (len(header) + 1)] else: sectionheader = [] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Unknown section") warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="potentially wrong underline length...", category=UserWarning, ) docs = [(f, numpydoc.docscrape.FunctionDoc(f)) for f in fs] pars = [] subsects = [] p0 = [i[0] for i in docs[0][1][t]] for f, d in docs[1:]: # add things which haven't already been registered new = [o for o in d[t] if not (o[0] in p0 or o[0] in pars)] if subsections: subsection = numpydoc_str_param_list(new, indent=indent) if subsection: subsection = ("\n" + " " * indent) + ("\n" + " " * indent).join( [ ("\n" + " " * indent).join( [subsection_delim, "-" * (len(subsection_delim) + 1)] ) ] + [ "The following additional parameters are from :func:`{}`.".format( ".".join([f.__module__, f.__name__]) ) ] + [("\n" + " " * indent).join([header, "-" * (len(header) + 1)])] + [subsection] ) subsects.append(subsection) else: pars += new if not subsections: section = numpydoc_str_param_list(pars, indent=indent) section = ("\n" + " " * indent).join(sectionheader + [section]) else: section = ("\n" + " " * indent).join(subsects) return section
[docs]def update_docstring_references(obj, ref="ref"): """ Updates docstring reference names to strings including the function name. Decorator will return the same function with a modified docstring. Sphinx likes unique names - specifically for citations, not so much for footnotes. Parameters ----------- obj : :class:`func` | :class:`class` Class or function for which to update documentation references. ref : :class:`str` String to replace with the object name. Returns ------- :class:`func` | :class:`class` Object with modified docstring. """ name = obj.__name__ if hasattr(obj, "__module__"): name = obj.__module__ + "." + name obj.__doc__ = str(obj.__doc__).replace(ref, name) return obj