Source code for pyrolite.util.lambdas.params

Functions to generate parameters for the construction of orthogonal polynomials which
are used to fit REE patterns.
import numpy as np
import sympy.solvers.solvers
from sympy import symbols, var

from ...geochem.ind import REE, get_ionic_radii
from ..log import Handle
from ..meta import update_docstring_references

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]@update_docstring_references def orthogonal_polynomial_constants(xs, degree=3, rounding=None, tol=10**-14): r""" Finds the parameters :math:`(\beta_0), (\gamma_0, \gamma_1), (\delta_0, \delta_1, \delta_2)` etc. for constructing orthogonal polynomial functions `f(x)` over a fixed set of values of independent variable `x`. Used for obtaining lambda values for dimensional reduction of REE data [#ref_1]_. Parameters ---------- xs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Indexes over which to generate the orthogonal polynomials. degree : :class:`int` Maximum polynomial degree. E.g. 2 will generate constant, linear, and quadratic polynomial components. tol : :class:`float` Convergence tolerance for solver. rounding : :class:`int` Precision for the orthogonal polynomial coefficents. Returns ------- :class:`list` List of tuples corresponding to coefficients for each of the polynomial components. I.e the first tuple will be empty, the second will contain a single coefficient etc. Notes ----- Parameters are used to construct orthogonal polymomials of the general form: .. math:: f(x) &= a_0 \\ &+ a_1 * (x - \beta) \\ &+ a_2 * (x - \gamma_0) * (x - \gamma_1) \\ &+ a_3 * (x - \delta_0) * (x - \delta_1) * (x - \delta_2) \\ See Also -------- :func:`~pyrolite.util.lambdas.calc_lambdas` :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.transform.lambda_lnREE` References ---------- .. [#ref_1] O’Neill HSC (2016) The Smoothness and Shapes of Chondrite-normalized Rare Earth Element Patterns in Basalts. J Petrology 57:1463–1508. doi: `10.1093/petrology/egw047 <>`__ """ xs = np.array(xs) x = var("x") params = [] for d in range(degree): ps = symbols("{}0:{}".format(chr(945 + d), d)) logger.debug("Generating {} DIM {} equations for {}.".format(d, d, ps)) if d: eqs = [] for _deg in range(d): q = 1 if _deg: q = x**_deg for p in ps: q *= x - p eqs.append(q) sums = [] for q in eqs: sumq = 0.0 for xi in xs: sumq += q.subs(dict(x=xi)) sums.append(sumq) guess = np.linspace(np.nanmin(xs), np.nanmax(xs), d + 2)[1:-1] result = sympy.solvers.solvers.nsolve(sums, ps, list(guess), tol=tol) if rounding is not None: result = np.around(np.array(result, dtype=float), decimals=rounding) params.append(tuple(result)) else: params.append(()) # first parameter return params
def _get_tetrad_params(params=None): if params is None: params = ((58.75, 3.5), (62.25, 3.5), (65.75, 3.5), (69.25, 3.5)) return params def _get_params(params=None, degree=4): """ Disambiguate parameter specification for orthogonal polynomials. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`list` | :class:`str` Pre-computed parameters for the orthogonal polynomials (a list of tuples). Optionally specified, otherwise defaults the parameterisation as in O'Neill (2016). [#ref_1]_ If a string is supplied, :code:`"O'Neill (2016)"` or similar will give the original defaults, while :code:`"full"` will use all of the REE (including Eu) as a basis for the orthogonal polynomials. degree : :class:`int` Degree of orthogonal polynomial fit. Returns -------- params : :class:`list` List of tuples containing a parameterisation of the orthogonal polynomial functions. """ if params is None: params = "full" # use all the REE to generate the orthogonal polynomials if isinstance(params, str): name = params.replace("'", "").lower() if "full" in name: # use ALL the REE for defininng the orthogonal polynomial functions # (include Eu) _ree = REE() elif ("oneill" in name) and ("2016" in name): # use standard parameters as used in O'Neill 2016 paper (exclude Eu) _ree = [i for i in REE() if i not in ["Eu"]] else: msg = "Parameter specification {} not recognised.".format(params) raise NotImplementedError(msg) params = orthogonal_polynomial_constants( get_ionic_radii(_ree, charge=3, coordination=8), degree=degree, ) else: # check that params is a tuple or list if not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): msg = "Type {} parameter specification {} not recognised.".format( type(params), params ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return params
[docs]def parse_sigmas(size, sigmas=None): r""" Disambigaute a value or set of sigmas for a dataset for use in lambda-fitting algorithms. Parameters ---------- sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` 2D array of REE uncertainties. Values as fractional uncertaintes (i.e. :math:`\sigma_{REE} / REE`). Returns ------- sigmas : :class:`float` | :class:`numpy.ndarray` 1D array of sigmas (:math:`\sigma_{REE} / REE`). Notes ----- Note that the y-array is passed here only to infer the shape which should be assumed by the uncertainty array. Through propagation of uncertainties, the uncertainty on the natural logarithm of the normalised REE values are equivalent to :math:`\sigma_{REE} / REE` where the uncertainty in the reference composition is assumed to be zero. Thus, standard deviations of 1% in REE will result in :math:`\sigma=0.01` for the log-transformed REE. If no sigmas are provided, 1% uncertainty will be assumed and an array of 0.01 will be returned. """ if sigmas is None: sigmas = np.ones(size) * 0.01 else: # sigmas are passed if isinstance(sigmas, float): sigmas = sigmas * np.ones(size) elif sigmas.ndim > 1: if any(ix == 1 for ix in sigmas.shape): sigmas = sigmas.flatten() else: msg = "2D uncertainty estimation not yet implemented." raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: pass # should be a 1D array return sigmas