Source code for pyrolite.plot.spider

import matplotlib.collections
import matplotlib.lines
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..util.log import Handle

logger = Handle(__name__)

from ..geochem.ind import REE, get_ionic_radii
from ..util.meta import get_additional_params, subkwargs
from ..util.plot.axes import get_twins, init_axes
from ..util.plot.density import (
from import (
from .color import process_color

_scatter_defaults = dict(cmap=DEFAULT_CONT_COLORMAP, marker="D", s=25)
_line_defaults = dict(cmap=DEFAULT_CONT_COLORMAP)

# could create a spidercollection?
[docs]def spider( arr, indexes=None, ax=None, label=None, logy=True, yextent=None, mode="plot", unity_line=False, scatter_kw={}, line_kw={}, set_ticks=True, autoscale=True, **kwargs ): """ Plots spidergrams for trace elements data. Additional arguments are typically forwarded to respective :mod:`matplotlib` functions :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` (see Other Parameters, below). Parameters ---------- arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Data array. indexes : : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Numerical indexes of x-axis positions. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, :code:`None` The subplot to draw on. label : :class:`str`, :code:`None` Label for the individual series. logy : :class:`bool` Whether to use a log y-axis. yextent : :class:`tuple` Extent in the y direction for conditional probability plots, to limit the gridspace over which the kernel density estimates are evaluated. mode : :class:`str`, :code:`["plot", "fill", "binkde", "ckde", "kde", "hist"]` Mode for plot. Plot will produce a line-scatter diagram. Fill will return a filled range. Density will return a conditional density diagram. unity_line : :class:`bool` Add a line at y=1 for reference. scatter_kw : :class:`dict` Keyword parameters to be passed to the scatter plotting function. line_kw : :class:`dict` Keyword parameters to be passed to the line plotting function. set_ticks : :class:`bool` Whether to set the x-axis ticks according to the specified index. autoscale : :class:`bool` Whether to autoscale the y-axis limits for standard spider plots. {otherparams} Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes on which the spiderplot is plotted. Notes ----- By using separate lines and scatterplots, values between two missing items are still presented. Todo ---- * Might be able to speed up lines with `~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection`. * Legend entries .. seealso:: Functions: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` :func:`REE_v_radii` """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ncomponents = arr.shape[-1] figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize", None) or (ncomponents * 0.3, 4) ax = init_axes(ax=ax, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) if unity_line: ax.axhline(1.0, ls="--", c="k", lw=0.5) if logy: ax.set_yscale("log") if indexes is None: indexes = np.arange(ncomponents) else: indexes = np.array(indexes) if indexes.ndim == 1: indexes0 = indexes else: indexes0 = indexes[0] if set_ticks: ax.set_xticks(indexes0) # if there is no data, return the blank axis if (arr is None) or (not np.isfinite(arr).sum()): return ax # if the indexes are supplied as a 1D array but the data is 2D, we need to expand # it to fit the scatter data if indexes.ndim < arr.ndim: indexes = np.tile(indexes0, (arr.shape[0], 1)) if "fill" in mode.lower(): mins = np.nanmin(arr, axis=0) maxs = np.nanmax(arr, axis=0) ax.fill_between(indexes0, mins, maxs, **patchkwargs(kwargs)) elif "plot" in mode.lower(): # copy params l_kw, s_kw = {**line_kw}, {**scatter_kw} ################################################################################ if line_kw.get("cmap") is None: l_kw["cmap"] = kwargs.get("cmap", None) l_kw = {**kwargs, **l_kw} # if a line color hasn't been specified, perhaps we can use the scatter 'c' if l_kw.get("color") is None: if l_kw.get("c") is not None: l_kw["color"] = kwargs.get("c") if "c" in l_kw: l_kw.pop("c") # remove c if it's been specified globally # if a color option is not specified, get the next cycled color if l_kw.get("color") is None: # add cycler color as array to suppress singular color warning l_kw["color"] = ax._get_lines.get_next_color() l_kw = linekwargs(process_color(**{**_line_defaults, **l_kw})) # marker explictly dealt with by scatter for k in ["marker", "markers"]: l_kw.pop(k, None) # Construct and Add LineCollection? lcoll = matplotlib.collections.LineCollection( np.dstack((indexes, arr)), **{"zorder": 1, **l_kw} ) ax.add_collection(lcoll) ################################################################################ # load defaults and any specified parameters in scatter_kw / line_kw if s_kw.get("cmap") is None: s_kw["cmap"] = kwargs.get("cmap", None) _sctr_cfg = {**_scatter_defaults, **kwargs, **s_kw} s_kw = process_color(**_sctr_cfg) if s_kw["marker"] is not None: # will need to process colours for scatter markers here s_kw.update(dict(label=label)) scattercolor = None if s_kw.get("c") is not None: scattercolor = s_kw.get("c") elif s_kw.get("color") is not None: scattercolor = s_kw.get("color") else: # no color recognised - will be default, here we get the # cycled color we added earlier scattercolor = l_kw["color"] if scattercolor is not None: if not isinstance(scattercolor, (str, tuple)): # colors will be processed to arrays by this point # here we reshape them to be the same length as ravel-ed arrays if scattercolor.ndim >= 2 and scattercolor.shape[0] > 1: scattercolor = np.tile(scattercolor, arr.shape[1]).reshape( -1, scattercolor.shape[1] ) else: # singular color should be converted to 2d array? pass s_kw = scatterkwargs( {k: v for k, v in s_kw.items() if k not in ["c", "color"]} ) # do these need to be ravelled? ax.scatter( indexes.ravel(), arr.ravel(), color=scattercolor, **{"zorder": 2, **s_kw} ) # should create a custom legend handle here # could modify legend here. elif any([i in mode.lower() for i in ["binkde", "ckde", "kde", "hist"]]): cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", None) if "contours" in kwargs and "vmin" in kwargs: msg = "Combining `contours` and `vmin` arguments for density plots should be avoided." logger.warn(msg) xe, ye, zi, xi, yi = conditional_prob_density( arr, x=indexes0, logy=logy, yextent=yextent, mode=mode, ret_centres=True, **kwargs ) # can have issues with nans here? vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", 0) vmin = percentile_contour_values_from_meshz(zi, [1.0 - vmin])[1][0] # pctl if "contours" in kwargs: pzpkwargs = { # keyword arguments to forward to plot_Z_percentiles **subkwargs(kwargs, plot_Z_percentiles), **{"percentiles": kwargs["contours"]}, } plot_Z_percentiles( # pass all relevant kwargs including contours xi, yi, zi=zi, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **pzpkwargs ) else: zi[zi < vmin] = np.nan ax.pcolormesh( xe, ye, zi, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **subkwargs(kwargs, ax.pcolormesh) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Accepted modes: {plot, fill, binkde, ckde, kde, hist}" ) if autoscale and arr.size: # set the y range to lock to the outermost log-increments _ymin, _ymax = np.nanmin(arr), np.nanmax(arr) if unity_line: _ymin, _ymax = min(_ymin, 1.0), max(_ymax, 1.0) if logy: # at 5% range in log space, and clip to nearest 'minor' tick logmin, logmax = np.log10(_ymin), np.log10(_ymax) logy_rng = logmax - logmin low, high = 10 ** np.floor(logmin), 10 ** np.floor(logmax) _ymin, _ymax = ( np.floor(10 ** (logmin - 0.05 * logy_rng) / low) * low, np.ceil(10 ** (logmax + 0.05 * logy_rng) / high) * high, ) else: # add 10% range either side for linear scale _ymin, _ymax = 0.9 * _ymin, 1.1 * _ymax if np.isfinite(_ymax) and np.isfinite(_ymin) and (_ymax - _ymin) > 0: ax.set_ylim(_ymin, _ymax) return ax
[docs]def REE_v_radii( arr=None, ax=None, ree=REE(), index="elements", mode="plot", logy=True, tl_rotation=60, unity_line=False, scatter_kw={}, line_kw={}, set_labels=True, set_ticks=True, **kwargs ): r""" Creates an axis for a REE diagram with ionic radii along the x axis. Parameters ---------- arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Data array. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, :code:`None` Optional designation of axes to reconfigure. ree : :class:`list` List of REE to use as an index. index : :class:`str` Whether to plot using radii on the x-axis ('radii'), or elements ('elements'). mode : :class:`str`, :code:`["plot", "fill", "binkde", "ckde", "kde", "hist"]` Mode for plot. Plot will produce a line-scatter diagram. Fill will return a filled range. Density will return a conditional density diagram. logy : :class:`bool` Whether to use a log y-axis. tl_rotation : :class:`float` Rotation of the numerical index labels in degrees. unity_line : :class:`bool` Add a line at y=1 for reference. scatter_kw : :class:`dict` Keyword parameters to be passed to the scatter plotting function. line_kw : :class:`dict` Keyword parameters to be passed to the line plotting function. set_labels : :class:`bool` Whether to set the x-axis ticklabels for the REE. set_ticks : :class:`bool` Whether to set the x-axis ticks according to the specified index. {otherparams} Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes on which the REE_v_radii plot is added. Todo ---- * Turn this into a plot template within pyrolite.plot.templates submodule .. seealso:: Functions: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` :func:`spider` :func:`pyrolite.geochem.transform.lambda_lnREE` """ ax = init_axes(ax=ax, **kwargs) radii = np.array(get_ionic_radii(ree, charge=3, coordination=8)) xlabels, _xlabels = ["{:1.3f}".format(i) for i in radii], ree xticks, _xticks = radii, radii xlim = (0.99 * np.min(radii), 1.01 * np.max(radii)) xlabelrotation, _xlabelrotation = tl_rotation, 0 xtitle, _xtitle = r"Ionic Radius ($\mathrm{\AA}$)", "Element" if index == "radii": invertx = False indexes = radii else: # mode == 'elements' invertx = True indexes = radii # swap ticks labels etc, _xtitle, xtitle = xtitle, _xtitle _xlabels, xlabels = xlabels, _xlabels _xlabelrotation, xlabelrotation = xlabelrotation, _xlabelrotation if arr is not None: ax = spider( arr, ax=ax, logy=logy, mode=mode, unity_line=unity_line, indexes=indexes, scatter_kw=scatter_kw, line_kw=line_kw, **kwargs ) twinys = get_twins(ax, which="y") if len(twinys): _ax = twinys[0] else: _ax = ax.twiny() if set_labels: ax.set_xlabel(xtitle) _ax.set_xlabel(_xtitle) if set_ticks: ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=xlabelrotation) if invertx: xlim = xlim[::-1] if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) _ax.set_xticks(_xticks) _ax.set_xticklabels(_xlabels, rotation=_xlabelrotation) _ax.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) return ax
_add_additional_parameters = True spider.__doc__ = spider.__doc__.format( otherparams=[ "", get_additional_params( spider, plt.scatter, plt.plot, matplotlib.lines.Line2D, indent=4, header="Other Parameters", subsections=True, ), ][_add_additional_parameters] ) REE_v_radii.__doc__ = REE_v_radii.__doc__.format( otherparams=[ "", get_additional_params( REE_v_radii, spider, indent=4, header="Other Parameters", subsections=True ), ][_add_additional_parameters] )