Source code for pyrolite.plot.density

Kernel desnity estimation plots for geochemical data.

import copy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

from ...comp.codata import close
from ...util.log import Handle
from ...util.meta import get_additional_params, subkwargs
from ...util.plot.axes import add_colorbar, init_axes
from ...util.plot.density import (
from .grid import DensityGrid
from .ternary import ternary_heatmap

logger = Handle(__name__)

[docs]def density( arr, ax=None, logx=False, logy=False, bins=25, mode="density", extent=None, contours=[], percentiles=True, relim=True, cmap=DEFAULT_CONT_COLORMAP, shading="auto", vmin=0.0, colorbar=False, **kwargs, ): """ Creates diagramatic representation of data density and/or frequency for either binary diagrams (X-Y) or ternary plots. Additional arguments are typically forwarded to respective :mod:`matplotlib` functions :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contour`, and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` (see Other Parameters, below). Parameters ---------- arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Dataframe from which to draw data. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, `None` The subplot to draw on. logx : :class:`bool`, `False` Whether to use a logspaced *grid* on the x axis. Values strictly >0 required. logy : :class:`bool`, `False` Whether to use a logspaced *grid* on the y axis. Values strictly >0 required. bins : :class:`int`, 20 Number of bins used in the gridded functions (histograms, KDE evaluation grid). mode : :class:`str`, 'density' Different modes used here: ['density', 'hexbin', 'hist2d'] extent : :class:`list` Predetermined extent of the grid for which to from the histogram/KDE. In the general form (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). contours : :class:`list` Contours to add to the plot, where :code:`mode='density'` is used. percentiles : :class:`bool`, `True` Whether contours specified are to be converted to percentiles. relim : :class:`bool`, :code:`True` Whether to relimit the plot based on xmin, xmax values. cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` Colormap for mapping surfaces. vmin : :class:`float`, 0. Minimum value for colormap. shading : :class:`str`, 'auto' Shading to apply to pcolormesh. colorbar : :class:`bool`, False Whether to append a linked colorbar to the generated mappable image. {otherparams} Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes on which the densityplot is plotted. .. seealso:: Functions: :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d` :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` Notes ----- The default density estimates and derived contours are generated based on kernel density estimates. Assumptions around e.g. 95% of points lying within a 95% contour won't necessarily be valid for non-normally distributed data (instead, this represents the approximate 95% percentile on the kernel density estimate). Note that contours are currently only generated; for `mode="density"`; future updates may allow the use of a histogram basis, which would give results closer to 95% data percentiles. Todo ---- * Allow generation of contours from histogram data, rather than just the kernel density estimate. * Implement an option and filter to 'scatter' points below the minimum threshold or maximum percentile contours. """ if (mode == "density") & np.isclose(vmin, 0.0): # if vmin is not specified vmin = 0.02 # 2% max height | 98th percentile if arr.shape[-1] == 3: projection = "ternary" else: projection = None ax = init_axes(ax=ax, projection=projection, **kwargs) pcolor, contour, contourf = get_axis_density_methods(ax) background_color = (*ax.patch.get_facecolor()[:-1], 0.0) if cmap is not None: if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cmap = copy.copy(cmap) # without this, it would modify the global cmap cmap.set_under((1, 1, 1, 0)) if mode == "density": cbarlabel = "Kernel Density Estimate" else: cbarlabel = "Frequency" valid_rows = np.isfinite(arr).all(axis=-1) if (mode in ["hexbin", "hist2d"]) and contours: raise NotImplementedError( "Contours are not currently implemented for 'hexbin' or 'hist2d' modes." ) if (arr.size > 0) and valid_rows.any(): # Data can't be plotted if there's any nans, so we can exclude these arr = arr[valid_rows] if projection is None: # binary x, y = arr.T grid = DensityGrid( x, y, bins=bins, logx=logx, logy=logy, extent=extent, **subkwargs(kwargs, DensityGrid), ) if mode == "hexbin": # extent values are exponents (i.e. 3 -> 10**3) mappable = ax.hexbin( x, y, gridsize=bins, cmap=cmap, extent=grid.get_hex_extent(), xscale=["linear", "log"][logx], yscale=["linear", "log"][logy], **subkwargs(kwargs, ax.hexbin), ) elif mode == "hist2d": _, _, _, im = ax.hist2d( x, y, bins=[grid.grid_xe, grid.grid_ye], range=grid.get_range(), cmap=cmap, cmin=[0, 1][vmin > 0], **subkwargs(kwargs, ax.hist2d), ) mappable = im elif mode == "density": zei = grid.kdefrom( arr, xtransform=[lambda x: x, np.log][logx], ytransform=[lambda y: y, np.log][logy], mode="edges", **subkwargs(kwargs, grid.kdefrom), ) if percentiles: # 98th percentile vmin = percentile_contour_values_from_meshz(zei, [1.0 - vmin])[1][0] logger.debug( "Updating `vmin` to percentile equiv: {:.2f}".format(vmin) ) if not contours: # pcolormesh using bin edges mappable = pcolor( grid.grid_xei, grid.grid_yei, zei, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, shading=shading, **subkwargs(kwargs, pcolor), ) mappable.set_edgecolor(background_color) mappable.set_linestyle("None") mappable.set_lw(0.0) else: mappable = _add_contours( grid.grid_xei, grid.grid_yei, zi=zei.reshape(grid.grid_xei.shape), ax=ax, contours=contours, percentiles=percentiles, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **kwargs, ) if relim and (extent is not None): ax.axis(extent) elif projection == "ternary": # ternary if shading == "auto": shading = "flat" # auto cant' be passed to tripcolor # zeros make nans in this case, due to the heatmap calculations arr[~(arr > 0).all(axis=1), :] = np.nan arr = close(arr) if mode == "hexbin": raise NotImplementedError # density, histogram etc parsed here coords, zi, _ = ternary_heatmap(arr, bins=bins, mode=mode) if percentiles: # 98th percentile vmin = percentile_contour_values_from_meshz(zi, [1.0 - vmin])[1][0] logger.debug("Updating `vmin` to percentile equiv: {:.2f}".format(vmin)) # remove coords where H==0, as ax.tripcolor can't deal with variable alpha :'( fltr = (zi != 0) & (zi >= vmin) coords = coords[fltr.flatten(), :] zi = zi[fltr] if not contours: tri_poly_collection = pcolor( *coords.T, zi.flatten(), cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, shading=shading, **subkwargs(kwargs, pcolor), ) mappable = tri_poly_collection else: mappable = _add_contours( *coords.T, zi=zi.flatten(), ax=ax, contours=contours, percentiles=percentiles, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **kwargs, ) ax.set_aspect("equal") else: if not arr.ndim in [0, 1, 2]: raise NotImplementedError if colorbar: cbkwargs = kwargs.copy() cbkwargs["label"] = cbarlabel add_colorbar(mappable, **cbkwargs) return ax
def _add_contours( *coords, zi=None, ax=None, contours=[], cmap=DEFAULT_CONT_COLORMAP, vmin=0.0, extent=None, **kwargs, ): """ Add density-based contours to a plot. """ # get the contour levels percentiles = kwargs.pop("percentiles", True) levels = contours or kwargs.get("levels", None) pcolor, contour, contourf = get_axis_density_methods(ax) if percentiles and not isinstance(levels, int): # plot individual percentile contours _cs = plot_Z_percentiles( *coords, zi=zi, ax=ax, percentiles=levels, extent=extent, cmap=cmap, **kwargs, ) mappable = _cs else: # plot interval contours if levels is None: levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=10).tick_values(zi.min(), zi.max()) elif isinstance(levels, int): levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=levels).tick_values(zi.min(), zi.max()) else: raise NotImplementedError # filled contours mappable = contourf( *coords, zi, extent=extent, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **kwargs ) # contours contour( *coords, zi, extent=extent, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, **kwargs ) return mappable _add_additional_parameters = True density.__doc__ = density.__doc__.format( otherparams=[ "", get_additional_params( density, plt.pcolormesh, plt.hist2d, plt.hexbin, plt.contour, plt.contourf, header="Other Parameters", indent=4, subsections=True, ), ][_add_additional_parameters] )