Source code for pyrolite.comp.codata

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
import sympy

from ..util.log import Handle

# from .renorm import renormalise, close
from ..util.math import helmert_basis, symbolic_helmert_basis

logger = Handle(__name__)


__sympy_protected_variables__ = {"S": "Ss"}

[docs]def close(X: np.ndarray, sumf=np.sum): """ Closure operator for compositional data. Parameters ----------- X : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array to close. sumf : :class:`callable`, :func:`numpy.sum` Sum function to use for closure. Returns -------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Closed array. Notes ------ Checks for non-positive entries and replaces zeros with NaN values. """ if np.any(X <= 0): warnings.warn( "Non-positive entries found. Closure operation assumes all positive entries.", UserWarning, ) if X.ndim == 2: C = np.array(sumf(X, axis=1), dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis] else: C = np.array(sumf(X), dtype=float) # Replace zero sums with NaN to prevent division by zero C[np.isclose(C, 0)] = np.nan # Return the array closed to sum to 1 return np.divide(X, C)
[docs]def renormalise(df: pd.DataFrame, components: list = [], scale=100.0): """ Renormalises compositional data to ensure closure. Parameters ------------ df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to renomalise. components : :class:`list` Option subcompositon to renormalise to 100. Useful for the use case where compostional data and non-compositional data are stored in the same dataframe. scale : :class:`float`, :code:`100.` Closure parameter. Typically either 100 or 1. Returns -------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Renormalized dataframe. """ dfc = df.copy(deep=True) if components: if not all(col in dfc.columns for col in components): raise ValueError("Not all specified components exist in the DataFrame.") dfc = dfc[components] if (dfc <= 0).any().any(): warnings.warn( "Non-positive entries found in specified components. " "Negative values have been replaced with NaN. " "Renormalisation assumes all positive entries.", UserWarning, ) # Replace negative values with NaN dfc[dfc < 0] = np.nan # Renormalise all columns if no components are specified sum_rows = dfc.sum(axis=1) # Handle division by zero by replacing zeros with NaN sum_rows.replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True) dfc = dfc.divide(sum_rows, axis=0) * scale return dfc
[docs]def ALR(X: np.ndarray, ind: int = -1, null_col=False): """ Additive Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- X: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. ind: :class:`int` Index of column used as denominator. null_col : :class:`bool` Whether to keep the redundant column. Returns --------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` ALR-transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D-1)`. """ Y = X.copy() assert Y.ndim in [1, 2] dimensions = Y.shape[Y.ndim - 1] if ind < 0: ind += dimensions if Y.ndim == 2: Y = np.divide(Y, Y[:, ind][:, np.newaxis]) if not null_col: Y = Y[:, [i for i in range(dimensions) if not i == ind]] else: Y = np.divide(X, X[ind]) if not null_col: Y = Y[[i for i in range(dimensions) if not i == ind]] return np.log(Y)
[docs]def inverse_ALR(Y: np.ndarray, ind=-1, null_col=False): """ Inverse Centred Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- Y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the inverse transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D-1)`. ind : :class:`int` Index of column used as denominator. null_col : :class:`bool`, :code:`False` Whether the array contains an extra redundant column (i.e. shape is :code:`(N, D)`). Returns -------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Inverse-ALR transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. """ assert Y.ndim in [1, 2] X = Y.copy() dimensions = X.shape[X.ndim - 1] if not null_col: idx = np.arange(0, dimensions + 1) if ind != -1: idx = np.array(list(idx[idx < ind]) + [-1] + list(idx[idx >= ind + 1] - 1)) # Add a zero-column and reorder columns if Y.ndim == 2: X = np.concatenate((X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1))), axis=1) X = X[:, idx] else: X = np.append(X, np.array([0])) X = X[idx] # Inverse log and closure operations X = np.exp(X) X = close(X) return X
[docs]def CLR(X: np.ndarray): """ Centred Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- X : :class:`numpy.ndarray` 2D array on which to perform the transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. Returns --------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` CLR-transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. """ X = np.array(X) X = np.divide(X, np.sum(X, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) # Closure operation Y = np.log(X) # Log operation nvars = max(X.shape[1], 1) # if the array is empty we'd get a div-by-0 error G = (1 / nvars) * np.nansum(Y, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] Y -= G return Y
[docs]def inverse_CLR(Y: np.ndarray): """ Inverse Centred Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- Y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the inverse transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. Returns --------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Inverse-CLR transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. """ # Inverse of log operation X = np.exp(Y) # Closure operation X = np.divide(X, np.nansum(X, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]) return X
[docs]def ILR(X: np.ndarray, psi=None, **kwargs): """ Isometric Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- X : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. psi : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array or matrix representing the ILR basis; optionally specified. Returns -------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` ILR-transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D-1)`. """ d = X.shape[1] Y = CLR(X) if psi is None: psi = helmert_basis(D=d, **kwargs) # Get a basis assert np.allclose(psi @ psi.T, np.eye(d - 1)) return Y @ psi.T
[docs]def inverse_ILR(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray = None, psi=None, **kwargs): """ Inverse Isometric Log Ratio transformation. Parameters --------------- Y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the inverse transformation, of shape :code:`(N, D-1)`. X : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :code:`None` Optional specification for an array from which to derive the orthonormal basis, with shape :code:`(N, D)`. psi : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array or matrix representing the ILR basis; optionally specified. Returns -------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Inverse-ILR transformed array, of shape :code:`(N, D)`. """ if psi is None: psi = helmert_basis(D=Y.shape[1] + 1, **kwargs) C = Y @ psi X = inverse_CLR(C) # Inverse log operation return X
[docs]def logratiomean(df, transform=CLR): """ Take a mean of log-ratios along the index of a dataframe. Parameters ----------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe from which to compute a mean along the index. transform : :class:`callable` Log transform to use. inverse_transform : :class:`callable` Inverse of log transform. Returns --------- :class:`pandas.Series` Mean values as a pandas series. """ tfm, inv_tfm = get_transforms(transform) return pd.Series( inv_tfm(np.mean(tfm(df.values), axis=0)[np.newaxis, :])[0], index=df.columns, )
######################################################################################## # Logratio variable naming ######################################################################################## def _aggregate_sympy_constants(expr): """ Aggregate constants and symbolic components within a sympy expression to separate sub-expressions. Parameters ----------- expr : :class:`sympy.core.expr.Expr` Expression to aggregate. For matricies, use :func:`~sympy.Matrix.applyfunc`. Returns ------- :class:`sympy.core.expr.Expr` """ const = expr.func(*[term for term in expr.args if not term.free_symbols]) vars = expr.func(*[term for term in expr.args if term.free_symbols]) if const: return sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(const) * sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(vars) else: return sympy.UnevaluatedExpr(vars)
[docs]def get_ALR_labels(df, mode="simple", ind=-1, **kwargs): """ Get symbolic labels for ALR coordinates based on dataframe columns. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to generate ALR labels for. mode : :class:`str` Mode of label to return (:code:`LaTeX`, :code:`simple`). Returns ------- :class:`list` List of ALR coordinates corresponding to dataframe columns. Notes ------ Some variable names are protected in :mod:`sympy` and if used can result in errors. If one of these column names is found, it will be replaced with a title-cased duplicated version of itself (e.g. 'S' will be replaced by 'Ss'). """ names = [ r"{} / {}".format( ( c if c not in __sympy_protected_variables__ else __sympy_protected_variables__[c] ), df.columns[ind], ) for c in df.columns ] if mode.lower() == "latex": # edited to avoid issues with clashes between element names and latex (e.g. Ge) D = df.columns.size # encode symbolic variables vars = [sympy.var("c_{}".format(ix)) for ix in range(D)] expr = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.ln(v) for v in vars]]) named_expr = expr.subs({k: v for (k, v) in zip(vars, names)}) labels = [ r"${}$".format(sympy.latex(l, mul_symbol="dot", ln_notation=True)) for l in named_expr ] elif mode.lower() == "simple": labels = ["ALR({})".format(n) for n in names] else: msg = "Label mode {} not recognised.".format(mode) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return labels
[docs]def get_CLR_labels(df, mode="simple", **kwargs): """ Get symbolic labels for CLR coordinates based on dataframe columns. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to generate CLR labels for. mode : :class:`str` Mode of label to return (:code:`LaTeX`, :code:`simple`). Returns ------- :class:`list` List of CLR coordinates corresponding to dataframe columns. Notes ------ Some variable names are protected in :mod:`sympy` and if used can result in errors. If one of these column names is found, it will be replaced with a title-cased duplicated version of itself (e.g. 'S' will be replaced by 'Ss'). """ names = [ r"{} / γ".format( ( c if c not in __sympy_protected_variables__ else __sympy_protected_variables__[c] ), ) for c in df.columns ] D = df.columns.size if mode.lower() == "latex": # edited to avoid issues with clashes between element names and latex (e.g. Ge) D = df.columns.size # encode symbolic variables vars = [sympy.var("c_{}".format(ix)) for ix in range(D)] expr = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.ln(v) for v in vars]]) named_expr = expr.subs({k: v for (k, v) in zip(vars, names)}) labels = [ r"${}$".format(sympy.latex(l, mul_symbol="dot", ln_notation=True)) for l in named_expr ] elif mode.lower() == "simple": labels = ["CLR({}/G)".format(c) for c in df.columns] else: msg = "Label mode {} not recognised.".format(mode) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return labels
[docs]def get_ILR_labels(df, mode="latex", **kwargs): """ Get symbolic labels for ILR coordinates based on dataframe columns. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe to generate ILR labels for. mode : :class:`str` Mode of label to return (:code:`LaTeX`, :code:`simple`). Returns ------- :class:`list` List of ILR coordinates corresponding to dataframe columns. Notes ------ Some variable names are protected in :mod:`sympy` and if used can result in errors. If one of these column names is found, it will be replaced with a title-cased duplicated version of itself (e.g. 'S' will be replaced by 'Ss'). """ D = df.columns.size # encode symbolic variables sym_vars = [sympy.var("c_{}".format(ix)) for ix in range(D)] arr = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.ln(v) for v in sym_vars]]) # this is the CLR --> ILR transform helmert = symbolic_helmert_basis(D, **kwargs) expr = sympy.simplify( sympy.logcombine(sympy.simplify(arr @ helmert.transpose()), force=True) ) expr = expr.applyfunc(_aggregate_sympy_constants) # sub in Phi (the CLR normalisation variable) names = [ r"{} / γ".format( ( c if c not in __sympy_protected_variables__ else __sympy_protected_variables__[c] ), ) for c in df.columns ] named_expr = expr.subs({k: v for (k, v) in zip(sym_vars, names)}) # format latex labels if mode.lower() == "latex": labels = [ r"${}$".format(sympy.latex(l, mul_symbol="dot", ln_notation=True)) for l in named_expr ] elif mode.lower() == "simple": # here we could exclude scaling terms and just use ILR(A/B) unscaled_components = named_expr.applyfunc( lambda x: x.func(*[term for term in x.args if term.free_symbols]) ) labels = [str(l).replace("log", "ILR") for l in unscaled_components] else: msg = "Label mode {} not recognised.".format(mode) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return labels
######################################################################################## # Box-cox transforms ########################################################################################
[docs]def boxcox( X: np.ndarray, lmbda=None, lmbda_search_space=(-1, 5), search_steps=100, return_lmbda=False, ): """ Box-Cox transformation. Parameters --------------- X : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the transformation. lmbda : :class:`numpy.number`, :code:`None` Lambda value used to forward-transform values. If none, it will be calculated using the mean lmbda_search_space : :class:`tuple` Range tuple (min, max). search_steps : :class:`int` Steps for lambda search range. return_lmbda : :class:`bool` Whether to also return the lambda value. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` | :class:`numpy.ndarray`(:class:`float`) Box-Cox transformed array. If `return_lmbda` is true, tuple contains data and lambda value. """ if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(X, pd.Series): _X = X.values else: _X = X.copy() if lmbda is None: l_search = np.linspace(*lmbda_search_space, search_steps) llf = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.boxcox_llf, 0, np.array([l_search]), _X.T) if llf.shape[0] == 1: mean_llf = llf[0] else: mean_llf = np.nansum(llf, axis=0) lmbda = l_search[mean_llf == np.nanmax(mean_llf)] if _X.ndim < 2: out = scipy.stats.boxcox(_X, lmbda) elif _X.shape[0] == 1: out = scipy.stats.boxcox(np.squeeze(_X), lmbda) else: out = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.stats.boxcox, 0, _X, lmbda) if isinstance(_X, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(_X, pd.Series): _out = X.copy() _out.loc[:, :] = out out = _out if return_lmbda: return out, lmbda else: return out
[docs]def inverse_boxcox(Y: np.ndarray, lmbda): """ Inverse Box-Cox transformation. Parameters --------------- Y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array on which to perform the transformation. lmbda : :class:`float` Lambda value used to forward-transform values. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Inverse Box-Cox transformed array. """ return scipy.special.inv_boxcox(Y, lmbda)
######################################################################################## # Functions for spherical coordinate transformation of compositional data. ######################################################################################## """ The functions below were derived from the references below, but should be in line with the work which preceeded them. Neocleous, T., Aitken, C., Zadora, G., 2011. Transformations for compositional data with zeros with an application to forensic evidence evaluation. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 109, 77–85. Wang, H., Liu, Q., Mok, H.M.K., Fu, L., Tse, W.M., 2007. A hyperspherical transformation forecasting model for compositional data. European Journal of Operational Research 179, 459–468. """
[docs]def sphere(ys): r""" Spherical coordinate transformation for compositional data. Parameters ---------- ys : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Compositional data to transform (shape (n, D)). Returns ------- θ : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of angles in radians (:math:`(0, \pi / 2]`) Notes ----- :func:`numpy.arccos` will return angles in the range :math:`(0, \pi)`. This shouldn't be an issue for this function given that the input values are all positive. """ p = ys.shape[1] - 1 _ys = np.sqrt(close(ys)) # closure operation θ = np.ones((ys.shape[0], p)) indicies = np.arange(1, p + 1)[::-1] for ix in indicies: # we have to recurse from p back down to #2 if ix == p: S = 1 else: # vector - the product of sin components S =θ[:, ix:]), axis=1) # where this evaluates to zero, the composition is all in the first component S[np.isclose(S, 0.0)] = 1.0 ratios = _ys[:, ix] / S # where this looks like it could be slightly higher than 1 # np.arcos will return np.nan, so we can filter these. ratios[np.isclose(ratios, 1.0)] = 1.0 θ[:, ix - 1] = np.arccos(ratios) return θ
[docs]def inverse_sphere(θ): """ Inverse spherical coordinate transformation to revert back to compositional data in the simplex. Parameters ---------- θ : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Angular coordinates to revert. Returns ------- ys : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Compositional (simplex) coordinates, normalised to 1. """ p = θ.shape[1] n = θ.shape[0] y = np.ones((θ.shape[0], p + 1)) * np.pi / 2 sinθ, cosθ = np.sin(θ), np.cos(θ) indicies = np.arange(0, p + 1) for ix in indicies: if ix == 0: C = 1.0 else: C = cosθ[:, ix - 1] if ix == p: S = 1.0 else: S =θ[:, ix:], axis=1) y[:, ix] = C * S ys = y**2 return ys
[docs]def compositional_cosine_distances(arr): """ Calculate a distance matrix corresponding to the angles between a number of compositional vectors. Parameters ---------- arr: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of n-dimensional compositions of shape (n_samples, n). Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of angular distances of shape (n_samples, n_samples). """ # all vectors are unit vectors where we start with closed compositions _closed = close(arr) # and we can then calculate the cosine similarity cosine_sim = np.sqrt(np.expand_dims(_closed, axis=1)), np.sqrt(np.expand_dims(_closed, axis=2)), ).squeeze() # finally, we convert the cosines back to angules return np.arccos(np.clip(cosine_sim, -1.0, 1.0))
######################################################################################## # Meta-functions for accessing transformations. ########################################################################################
[docs]def get_transforms(name): """ Lookup a transform-inverse transform pair by name. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of of the transform pairs (e.g. :code:``'CLR'``). Returns ------- tfm, inv_tfm : :class:`callable` Transform and inverse transform functions. """ if callable(name): # callable name = name.__name__ tfm, inv_tfm = __TRANSFORMS__.get(name) return tfm, inv_tfm
def _load_transforms(): """ Load the transform pairs into the module level variable for later lookup. Returns ------- :class:`dict` """ return { f: (globals().get(f), globals().get("inverse_{}".format(f))) for f in globals().keys() if "inverse_{}".format(f) in globals().keys() } __TRANSFORMS__.update(_load_transforms())